symposium D1
Affilated company | country | papers | |
Ai, Haiping | Fuzhou University | China | |
Barbosa, Adilson | National Institute for Space Research - INPE | Brazil | |
Barnhart, David | University of Southern California | United States | |
Bella, Salvatore Andrea | Politecnico di Milano | Italy | |
Bernardini, Morena | Thales Alenia Space | France | |
Bernie, Anita | KISPE Space Systems Limited | United Kingdom | |
Bordi, Francesco | The Aerospace Corporation | United States | |
Breon, Susan | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) | United States | |
Briatore, Simone | Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology | Russian Federation | |
Bukmaier, Alexander | Telespazio VEGA Deutschland GmbH | Germany | |
Campos, Jaime | University of Manitoba | Canada | |
Carlino, Roberto | SGT Inc. / NASA Ames Research Center | United States | |
Choi, Sang | NASA | United States | |
Congdon, Elizabeth | The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | United States | |
Corpino, Sabrina | Politecnico di Torino | Italy | |
Cosmas Raymond, Kiruki | Kyushu Institue of Technology | Japan | |
Dias Pereira, Yuri Matheus | Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) | Brazil | |
Duong, Ryan | Viterbi School of Engineering, USC | United States | |
Dutta, Prachi | Texas A&M University | United States | |
Filippi, Gianluca | University of Strathclyde | United Kingdom | |
Fu, Xiaodong | Fuzhou University | China | |
Gerth, Ingo | OHB System AG | Germany | |
Golkar, Alessandro | Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology | Russian Federation | |
Grès, Stéphane | University | France | |
Guardabasso, Paolo | Valispace | Portugal | |
Guariniello, Cesare | Purdue University | United States | |
Hertel, Victor | IRS, University of Stuttgart | Germany | |
Ianelli, Samantha | Italian Space Agency (ASI) | Italy | |
Jones, Harry | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Ames Research Center | United States | |
Lange, Caroline | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) | Germany | |
Lee, Ty | SSL/MDA | United States | |
Lima da Silva, Isomar | INPE - Natiional Institute for Space Research | Brazil | |
Linn Barnett, Danna | Effective Space Solutions | Israel | |
Maier, Maximilian | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Germany | |
Maier, Patricio | Munich University of Applied Sciences | Germany | |
Marcus, Matthew | University of Maryland, College Park | United States | |
McBrayer, Katherine | School of Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology | United States | |
McGrath, Matthew | Student | France | |
Menshenin, Yaroslav | Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology | Russian Federation | |
Nanjangud, Angadh | Queen Mary University of London | United Kingdom | |
Nomura, Shunichiro | The University of TOKYO, Graduate school | Japan | |
Park, Hyeongjun | New Mexico State University | United States | |
Patroncini, Mauro | Thales Alenia Space Italia (TAS-I) | Italy | |
Phillips-Hungerford, Taylor | United States | ||
RAO, SANDYA | India | ||
Radu, Silvana | Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) | The Netherlands | |
Rajan, Raj Thilak | Delft Institute Of Technology (TU Delft) | The Netherlands | |
Richardson, David | NASA GSFC | United States | |
Ristov, Martin | MDA | Canada | |
Roberts, Thomas G. | Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) | United States | |
Rocha de Oliveira, Marta | European Space Agency (ESA) | France | |
Rughani, Rahul | University of Southern California | United States | |
Sabatini, Marco | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | |
Sanchez, William | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States | |
Schilling, Klaus | Zentrum für Telematik | Germany | |
Scipioni, Manuele | S.A.B. Aerospace Srl | Italy | |
Silva-Martinez, Jackelynne | NASA | United States | |
Stäbler, Tina | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Germany | |
Teuber, Jörn | University of Bremen | Germany | |
Tonetti, Stefania | Deimos Space SLU | Spain | |
Urbina, Diego A. | Space Applications Services | Belgium | |
Vanden Bussche, Simon | QinetiQ Space nv | Belgium | |
Vanthuyne, Tillo | S.A.B.C.A | Belgium | |
Vermeulen, Angelo C.J. | Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) | The Netherlands | |
Vu, Huu Quan | Technische Universität Berlin | Germany | |
Wieder, Maxwell | The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | United States | |
Yamada, Yoshino | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) | Japan | |
Yang, Dong | Northwestern Polytechnical University;National Key Laboratory of Aerospace Flight Dynamics | China | |
Zeif, Reinhard | Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) | Austria | |
wei, wei yi | China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) | China |