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    IAC-20 — IAC CyberSpace Edition


    The Symposium will address the complete spectrum of technical issues of space debris: measurements, modeling, risk assessment in space and on the ground, re-entry, hypervelocity impacts and protection, mitigation and standards, post-mission disposal, debris removal, Space Surveillance, collision avoidance as well as non-technical topics.


    Christophe Bonnal
    European Conference for Aero-Space Sciences (EUCASS)France

    J.-C. Liou
    National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)United States

    A6.1. Space Debris Detection, Tracking and Characterization

    This session will address advanced ground and space-based measurement techniques, relating processing methods, and results of space debris characterization.


    Thomas Schildknecht
    SwissSpace AssociationSwitzerland

    Mark A. Skinner
    The Aerospace CorporationUnited States


    Vladimir Agapov
    Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, RASRussian Federation

    A6.2. Modeling and Risk Analysis

    This session will address the characterization of the current and future debris population and methods for in-orbit and on-ground risk assessments. The in-orbit analysis will cover collision risk estimates based on statistical population models and deterministic catalogues, and active avoidance.


    Carmen Pardini

    Dan Oltrogge
    COMSPOC Corp.United States


    Marlon Sorge
    The Aerospace CorporationUnited States

    A6.3. Impact-Induced Mission Effects and Risk Assessments

    This session addresses disruptions of spacecraft operations induced by hypervelocity impacts including spacecraft anomalies, perturbation of operations, and component failures up to mission loss. It includes risk assessments for impact vulnerability studies and corresponding system tools. Further topics are spacecraft impact protection and shielding studies, laboratory impact experiments, numerical simulations, and on-board diagnostics to characterize impacts such as impact sensors, accelerometers, etc.


    Emma Kerr
    Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL)United Kingdom

    Zizheng Gong
    Beijing Institute of Spacecraft Environment Engineering, China Academy of Space Technology (CAST)China


    Jean-Claude Traineau
    Office National d’Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales (ONERA)France

    A6.4. Mitigation - Tools, Techniques and Challenges

    This session will focus on the implementation of debris prevention and reduction measures and vehicle passive protection at system level including end of life strategies and tools to verify the efficiency of the implemented measures. The session will also address practical experiences in the planning and verification of measures and issues and lessons learned in the actual execution of mitigation actions.


    Pierre Omaly
    Astroscale France SASFrance

    Satomi Kawamoto
    Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)Japan


    Holger Krag
    European Space Agency (ESA)Germany

    A6.5. Post Mission Disposal and Space Debris Removal (1)

    This session will address post-mission disposal and active removal techniques “ground and space based”, review potential solutions and Identify implementation difficulties.


    Balbir Singh
    Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher EducationIndia

    Laurent Francillout
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France


    Roberto Opromolla
    University of Naples "Federico II"Italy

    A6.6. Post Mission Disposal and Space Debris Removal (2)

    This session will address post-mission disposal and active removal techniques “ground and space based”, review potential solutions and identify implementation difficulties.


    Nicolas Bérend
    ONERA - The French Aerospace LabFrance

    John Auburn
    Astroscale LtdUnited Kingdom


    Carsten Wiedemann
    TU Braunschweig, Institute of Space SystemsGermany

    A6.7. Operations in Space Debris Environment, Situational Awareness

    This session will address the multiple aspects associated with safe operations in Space dealing with Space Debris, including operational observations, orbit determination, catalogue build-up and maintenance, data aggregation from different sources, relevant data exchange standards and conjunction analyses.


    Noelia Sanchez Ortiz
    Arribes EnlightenmentSpain

    T.S. Kelso
    CelesTrakUnited States


    Vincent Martinot
    Thales Alenia Space FranceFrance

    A6.9. Orbit Determination and Propagation

    This session will address aspects of space debris orbit determination related to assessment of raw and derived data accuracy, optical measurements processing and modelling and risk analysis of space debris.


    Heiner Klinkrad
    European Space Agency (ESA)Germany

    Juan Carlos Dolado Perez
    Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES)France


    Fabio Santoni
    Sapienza University of RomeItaly

    A6.10-B6.5. Joint Space Operations/ Space Debris Session

    This session facilitates discussions between Space Operations and Space Debris communities for shared understanding of the challenges/issues in operating in a debris-rich environment. Lessons learned from CAM operations, HSF and PMD are especially welcome. Looking into the future: improved STM; automated CAM; and large constellation operations in LEO are key challenges for the community and require the appropriate regulatory environment.


    Darren McKnight
    LeoLabsUnited States

    Helen Tung

    John Auburn
    Astroscale LtdUnited Kingdom


    Norman Fitz-Coy
    University of FloridaUnited States

    A. K. Anil Kumar
    Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)India

    Andreas Ohndorf
    DLR (German Aerospace Center)Germany

    A6.VP. Virtual Presentations - 18th IAA SYMPOSIUM ON SPACE DEBRIS

    This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Space Debris addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the A Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.


    Christophe Bonnal
    European Conference for Aero-Space Sciences (EUCASS)France

    Darren McKnight
    LeoLabsUnited States

    Tetsuo Yasaka
    Institute for Q-shu Pioneer of Space, Inc. (iQPS)Japan

    Marko Jankovic
    Airbus Defence and SpaceGermany