symposium B4
Affilated company | country | papers | |
Agarwal, Shrutika | TU Delft | The Netherlands | |
Aguado Agelet, Fernando | University of Vigo | Spain | |
Ahmed, Ayman | Egyptian Space Agency (EgSA) | Egypt | |
Al-Faisal, Hala | Kuwait University | Kuwait | |
AlMannaei, Aisha Sultan | Mullard Space Science Laboratory | United Kingdom | |
Aleissaee, Shamma | The National Space Science and Technology Center (NSSTC) | United Arab Emirates | |
Alotaibi, Ghanim | Kuwait | ||
Alshehhi, Abdulla | UAE Space Agency | United Arab Emirates | |
Austin, Alex | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion Laboratory | United States | |
Avraham, Geffen | United States | ||
Backus, Beau | NOAA/NESDIS | United States | |
Balani, Yash | SRM Institute of Science and Technology | India | |
Ballheimer, Walter | German Orbital Systems GmbH | Germany | |
Bandla, Sirisha | Virgin Galactic L.L.C | United States | |
Becker, Moacir | International Space University | Costa Rica | |
Bonsu, Benjamin | All Nations University | Japan | |
CHEN, Hang | Space Engineering University (Beijing) | China | |
CHO, MENGU | Kyushu Institute of Technology | Japan | |
Capuano, Vincenzo | California Institute of Technology | United States | |
Cervone, Angelo | Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) | The Netherlands | |
Champion, Laura | Lockheed Martin (Space Systems Company) | United States | |
Chand, Suditi | Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Institute of Space Systems | Germany | |
Chandran, Amal | Nanyang Technological University | Singapore, Republic of | |
Chen, Maosheng | Chang Guang Satellite Technology Co., Ltd. | China | |
Chávez-Moreno, Rafael-Guadalupe | School of Engineering, National Autonomous University of Mexico | Mexico | |
Cooke, David | Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) | United Kingdom | |
Costa, Pedro | University of Porto, Faculty of Engineering | Portugal | |
Crisp, Nicholas H. | The University of Manchester | United Kingdom | |
DECONINCK, Florian | Open cosmos Ltd. | United Kingdom | |
Darau, Vlad Dragos | University of Vigo | Spain | |
Dayal, Sehaz | International Space University (ISU) | France | |
Del Rio Vera, Jorge | United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs | Austria | |
Deng, Li | National Space Science Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | |
Denver, Troelz | Technical University of Denmark (DTU) | Denmark | |
Diaz de Cerio Goenaga, Rainer | Aistech Space | Spain | |
Ding, Suquan | Beijing Space Quest Ltd. | China | |
Elmegharbel, Hoda Awny | Kyushu Institute of Technology | Japan | |
Eshete, Yilkal | Ethiopian Space Science and Technology Institute (ESSTI) | Ethiopia | |
Farquhar, Irene | United States | ||
Fazzoletto, Emilio | Argotec | Italy | |
Ferreira, Jose Pedro | Tekever | Portugal | |
Fischer, Julian | University of Bremen | Germany | |
Fitrianingsih, Ery | Indonesian Space Agency Secretariat (INASA) | Indonesia | |
Fontanarosa, Donato | Università del Salento | Italy | |
Frezza, Lorenzo | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | |
Froehlich, LL.M., MAS, Annette | European Space Policy Institute (ESPI)German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Austria | |
Fu, Wentao | School of Aerospace Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology | China | |
GUAN, SHUHENG | The University of Sydney | Australia | |
Gaikov, Georgii | Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology | Russian Federation | |
Giannopapa, Christina | Ministry of Digital Governance of Greece | Greece | |
Gong, Haoran | Tsinghua University | China | |
Großhans, Jens | Technische Universität Berlin | Germany | |
Guo, Jian | Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) | The Netherlands | |
Guven, Ugur | UN CSSTEAP | United States | |
Haber, Roland | Zentrum für Telematik | Germany | |
Hall, Hunter | NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory | United States | |
Hardy, Ian | United States Naval Academy | United States | |
Hasbi, Wahyudi | Indonesian Space Agency Secretariat (INASA) | Indonesia | |
Hatano, Shintaro | Chiba Institute of Technology | Japan | |
Hirako, Keiichi | Keio University | Japan | |
Hoover, Bradley | United States | ||
Hu, Min | Space Engineering University (Beijing) | China | |
Hörmer, Andreas Johann | Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) | Austria | |
Jaffart, Laurent | Airbus Defence and Space | Germany | |
Jallad, AbdulHalim | American University of Ras Al Khaimah | United Arab Emirates | |
Jiang, Jun | Shanghai Engineering Center for Microsatellites, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) | China | |
Kaiser, Tobias | Julius Maximilians Universität Würzburg | Germany | |
Kalel, Madina | Ghalam | Kazakhstan | |
Kanazawa, Makoto | Japan | ||
Kandela, Rami | Space Flight Laboratory (SFL) | Canada | |
Khandelwal, Kshitij | India | ||
Kleinschrodt, Alexander | Zentrum für Telematik | Germany | |
Kolyvanova, Marina | Precious Payload | United States | |
Lee, Seungho | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) | Korea, Republic of | |
Lifshits, Jakob | Space Flight Laboratory, University of Toronto | Canada | |
Liu, Taiyang | Beijing Institute of Technology | China | |
Long, Jiateng | Beijing Institute of Technology, School of Aerospace Engineering | China | |
Loo, Chuen Chern | International Telecommunication Union (ITU) | Switzerland | |
Lorenzoni, Matteo Andreas | D-Orbit SpA | Italy | |
Losekamm, Martin J. | Technical University of Munich | Germany | |
Lu, Chunling | Dong Fang Hong Satellite Co. Ltd. | China | |
Lu, Xiaoxuan | Beijing Institute of Technology | China | |
Ma, Weihua | National Key Laboratory of Aerospace Flight Dynamics,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi’an | China | |
Madhu, Shreesha | R.V.College of Engineering | India | |
Mains, John | Georgia Institute of Technology | Georgia | |
Mejuto, Javier | National Autonomous University of Honduras (UNAH) | Honduras | |
Melnikova, Valeriia | Bauman Moscow State Technical University | Russian Federation | |
Minster, Gedi | University of Southern California | United States | |
Mok, Sung-Hoon | Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) | The Netherlands | |
Morsillo, Francesco | Sitael Spa | Italy | |
Motazedi, Mohammad | TU Berlin | Germany | |
Mughal, Muhammad Rizwan | Aalto University | Finland | |
Mukherjee, Bhaskar | The University of Sydney | Australia | |
Murcia Piñeros, Jhonathan | National Institute for Space Research - INPE | Brazil | |
NOSSEIR, Ahmed E. S. | Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) | The Netherlands | |
Nadeem Alduri, Awais Ahmed | India | ||
Neumann, Patrick | Space Industry Association of Australia | Australia | |
Nicoara, Razvan | COMOTI | Romania | |
Nohmi, Masahiro | Shizuoka University | Japan | |
Ovchinnikov, Mikhail | Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, RAS | Russian Federation | |
Pandey, Roshan | Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST) | Nepal | |
Park, Tae-Yong | Chosun University | Korea, Republic of | |
Paxton, Larry | The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | United States | |
Peñin, Luis F. | SENER Ingenieria y Sistemas, S.A. | Spain | |
Picci, Niccolò | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | |
Pignatelli, David | California Polytechnic State University | United States | |
Pradhan, Swaraj Sagar | Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) | Nepal | |
Rahimi, Afshin | University of Windsor | Canada | |
Rajan, Raj Thilak | Delft Institute Of Technology (TU Delft) | The Netherlands | |
Ranvier, Sylvain | Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy (BISA) | Belgium | |
Renga, Alfredo | University of Naples "Federico II" | Italy | |
Rughani, Rahul | University of Southern California | United States | |
SAAJ, CHAKRAVARTHINI M. | United Kingdom | ||
Sabatini, Marco | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | |
Sabbatinelli, Beatrice | Sitael Spa | Italy | |
Saleem, Zainab | Aalto University | Finland | |
Salwan, Eric | Firefly Aerospace Inc. | United States | |
Sansone, Francesco | Italy | ||
Santilli, Giancarlo | University of Brasilia | Brazil | |
Sarda, Karan | Space Flight Laboratory, University of Toronto | Canada | |
Scher, Mitchell | Loft Orbital Solutions Inc | United States | |
Schäfer, Felix | Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart | Germany | |
Shams, Javad | K. N. Toosi University of Technology | Iran | |
Sharma, Gaurav | Birla Institute of Technology and Science(BITS) | India | |
Shimhanda, Senior | Kyushu Institute of Technology | Japan | |
Shonibare, Tayo | C6 Launch Systems, Corporation | Canada | |
Shuham, Simon | Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) | United States | |
Shumeiko, Andrei | Bauman Moscow State Technical University | Russian Federation | |
Silva, Ricardo | VisionSpace Technologies | Germany | |
Sinn, Thomas | Dcubed GmbH | Germany | |
Soli, Luca | Thales Alenia Space Italia | Italy | |
Souza, Leonardo | Universidade de Brasília | Brazil | |
Spaander, Joshua | Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) | The Netherlands | |
Stanzione, Vincenzo | Sitael Spa | Italy | |
Starke, Mario | Technische Universität Berlin | Germany | |
Stepanova, Daria | German Orbital Systems GmbH | Germany | |
Stesina, Fabrizio | Politecnico di Torino | Italy | |
TANOUTI, Iliass | International Space University | France | |
TRUONG AN, HOANG XUAN | Nagoya University | Japan | |
Ten, Vladimir | Ghalam | Kazakhstan | |
Terzibaschian, Thomas | DLR, German Aerospace Center | Germany | |
Thi Ha, Zwe | Kyushu Institute of Technology | Japan | |
Tiballi, Christine | International Space University (ISU) | France | |
Topputo, Francesco | Politecnico di Milano | Italy | |
Tumenjargal, Turtogtokh | National University of Mongolia | Mongolia | |
Uetsuhara, Masahiko | Institute for Q-shu Pioneer of Space, Inc. (iQPS) | Japan | |
Unwin, Martin J. | Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) | United Kingdom | |
Vargas Martinez, Hector Simon | Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla | Mexico | |
Vasisth, Rajath S | R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru | India | |
Vettor, Andrea | Italy | ||
Violan, Edgar Paolo | Tohoku University | Japan | |
WATTANUNTACHAI, ATIPAT | Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency (GISTDA) | Thailand | |
Weinmiller, Julius | Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) | The Netherlands | |
Weiss, Sascha | TU Berlin | Germany | |
Werner, Norbert | Masaryk University | Czech Republic | |
Willis, Matthew | Stanford University | United States | |
Xiaona, Luan | Shandong Aerospace Electro-technology Institute | China | |
Yemets, Mykhailo | Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University | Ukraine | |
Yukman, Becki | US Space Foundation | United States | |
Zeif, Reinhard | Graz University of Technology (TU Graz) | Austria | |
Zelentsov, Vladimir | Bauman Moscow State Technical University | Russian Federation | |
Zhang, Jiaolong | Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | |
Zheng, Zixuan | Northwestern Polytechnical University;National Key Laboratory of Aerospace Flight Dynamics | China | |
he, yunhan | Tsinghua University School of Aerospace | China | |
rincon, sonia | Colombian Air Force - Officers Academy | Colombia | |
van Tilburg Bernardes, Pieter | Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina UFSC | Brazil | |
von Keiser, Philip | Technische Universität Berlin | Germany | |
Örger, Necmi Cihan | Kyushu Institute of Technology | Japan |