symposium C4
Affilated company | country | papers | |
A, Shaji | Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, ISRO, Thiruvananthapuram | India | |
ABRAHAM, AJI M | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
Abrao Oiko, Vitor Toshiyuki | The University of Manchester | United Kingdom | |
Ackermann, Lukas | Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart | Germany | |
Adachi, Masaki | Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. | Japan | |
Agarwal, Shrutika | TU Delft | The Netherlands | |
Aime, Paolo | Politecnico di Torino | Italy | |
Akhmetzhanov, Ruslan | Research Institute of Applied Mechanics and Electrodynamics (RIAME), MAI | Russian Federation | |
Albertoni, Riccardo | Airbus Defence and Space SAS | France | |
Almeida, Renan | Universidade de Brasília | Brazil | |
Alur, Aishwarya | R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru | India | |
Alves, Rodrigo Alkimim Faria | University of Brasilia | Brazil | |
Andrenucci, Mariano | Sitael Spa | Italy | |
Andreussi, Tommaso | Sitael Spa | Italy | |
Andrés Miranda, Rodrigo | University of Brasilia | Brazil | |
Araujo, Tiago | University of Brasilia | Brazil | |
Asraff, Ahmedul | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
Aumayr, Friedrich | TU Wien | Austria | |
B, Annapurna | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) | India | |
B T, KANNAN | SRM Institute of Science and Technology | India | |
Bach, Christian | Technische Universität Dresden (DTU) | Germany | |
Badoniya, Shritu | University of Petroleum and Energy Studies | India | |
Baek, Seungkwan | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) | Korea, Republic of | |
Bai, JianQiang | No.713 Institute, China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation | China | |
Baiju, AP | LPSC, ISRO | India | |
Balkrishna, Pol Yogesh | Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, ISRO, Thiruvananthapuram | India | |
Ban, Hong Seop | Korea, Republic of | ||
Barato, Francesco | University of Padova - DII/CISAS | Italy | |
Battista, Francesco | CIRA Italian Aerospace Research Centre | Italy | |
Becedas Rodríguez, Jonathan | Elecnor Deimos | Spain | |
Belkouchi, Badia | Novaspace | France | |
Bellomo, Nicolas | T4i | Italy | |
Bering, Edgar | University of Houston | United States | |
Bhaskaran, Amal | Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis | United States | |
Bhaskaran, Amal | Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis | United States | |
Bhat, Sridevi | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
Bisgaard, Morten | GomSpace ApS | Denmark | |
Bogachev, Evgeniy | Russian Federation | ||
Bogatyi, Aleksandr | RIAME | Russian Federation | |
Bontempo, Luciano | Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA) | Brazil | |
Bosch Borràs, Eduard | ESA | The Netherlands | |
Bowman, Jared | United States | ||
Brodin, Staffan | GKN Aerospace Engine Systems | Sweden | |
Buchholz, Maximilian | Technische Universität Dresden (DTU) | Germany | |
Butcher, Lincoln | Science and Technology Policy Institute | United States | |
Byers, Harry | The Ohio State University College of Engineering | United States | |
C K, Krishnadasan | Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, ISRO, Thiruvananthapuram | India | |
CHENG, Jiming | Science and Technology on Combustion, Internal Flow and Thermal-structure Laboratory, Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | |
CHO, MENGU | Kyushu Institute of Technology | Japan | |
Cai, Guobiao | Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA) | China | |
Calvi, Daniele | Politecnico di Torino | Italy | |
Capasso, Marco | Politecnico di Torino | Italy | |
Carter, Mark | Ad Astra Rocket Company | United States | |
Casali, Elena | Sitael Spa | Italy | |
Cassibry, Jason | Propulsion Research Center, University of Alabama in Huntsville | United States | |
Cervone, Angelo | Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) | The Netherlands | |
Chakrabarti, Subrata | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
Chan, Yung-An | Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart | Germany | |
Chandra, Avinash | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
Chang Diaz, Franklin | Ad Astra Rocket Company | United States | |
Chaturvedi, Priyanshi | R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru | India | |
Chaudhary, Pushkar | R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru | India | |
Chen, Hui | Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute | China | |
Chen, Jiahui | Science and Technology on Combustion, Internal Flow and Thermal-structure Laboratory, Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | |
Chen, Yen-Sen | American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) | United States | |
Cheng, Chen | Jin Tong Ling Technology Group Co., Ltd | China | |
Cheng, Yuqiang | College of Aerospace Science and Engineering, National University of Defense Technology | China | |
Cherkasova, Maria | Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University, MAI) | Russian Federation | |
Chibing, Shen | National University of Defense Technology | China | |
Cho, Sungbong | INNOSPACE Co. Ltd. | Korea, Republic of | |
Choudhary, Shreya | R.V.College of Engineering | India | |
Christensen, Simon | GomSpace Aps | Denmark | |
Chu, Wei | Space Engineering University (Beijing) | China | |
Chunmin, WANG | Northwestern Polytechnical University,NPU | China | |
Chvanov, Vladimir K. | NPO Energomash | Russian Federation | |
Conaway, Adam | Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis | United States | |
Conaway, Adam | Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis | United States | |
Cong, Yuntian | Beijing Institute of Control Engineering(BICE), China Academy of Space Technology(CAST) | China | |
Cong, Yuntian | Beijing Institute of Control Engineering, Beijing, 100080, P.R. China | China | |
Conte, Alexis | Novaspace | France | |
Corpino, Sabrina | Politecnico di Torino | Italy | |
Costa Goulart, Alexandre | Universidade Federal do ABC - UFABC | Brazil | |
Crisp, Nicholas H. | The University of Manchester | United Kingdom | |
Cullum, Thomas | Space Industry Association of Australia | Australia | |
D, Venkittaraman | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
Dai, Wei | Beijing institute of Astronautical Systems Engineering, Beijing | China | |
Daniel, Ebin | Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis | United States | |
Dawar, Kanika | R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru | India | |
De Bortoli, Fabio | Politecnico di Torino | Italy | |
De Giorgi, Maria Grazia | Università del Salento | Italy | |
De Pascali, Chiara | Italian National Research Council (CNR) | Italy | |
Degremont, Julien | Thales AVS France | France | |
Di Piramo, Agnese | GAUSS srl | Italy | |
Dickeli, Guillaumes | Airbus Defence and Space SAS | France | |
Dittakavi, Sai Krishna | University of Pisa | Italy | |
Djojodihardjo, Harijono | Indonesia | ||
Domingos, Caio Henrique Franco Levi | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | |
Domínguez, Rosa María | Elecnor Deimos Satellite Systems | Spain | |
Doshi, Jeel | Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis | United States | |
Dresia, Kai | DLR (German Aerospace Center) | Germany | |
Dron', Mykola | Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University | Ukraine | |
Dubey, Aditya | University of Petroleum and Energy Studies | India | |
Dukhopel'nikov, Dmitriy | Bauman Moscow State Technical University | Russian Federation | |
Duraes, Pedro | Universidade de Brasília | Brazil | |
Duzzi, Matteo | T4i | Italy | |
Dąbrowski, Kamil | Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) | Poland | |
Edamoto, Masafumi | Kyushu University | Japan | |
Edmondson, Steve | The University of Manchester | United Kingdom | |
Elakov, Aleksandr | Russian Federation | ||
Entrena Utrilla, Carlos Manuel | Spain | ||
Fang, Chuanbo | China | ||
Faraji, Farbod | Sitael Spa | Italy | |
Fasoulas, Stefanos | University of Stuttgart | Germany | |
Feast, Simon | Reaction Engines Ltd. | United Kingdom | |
Felicetti, Leonard | Cranfield University | United Kingdom | |
Feng, Gaoping | Academy of Eqiupment | China | |
Ferrato, Eugenio | Sitael Spa | Italy | |
Ficarella, Antonio | Università del Salento | Italy | |
Filatyev, Alexander S. | Central AeroHydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) | Russian Federation | |
Fontanarosa, Donato | Università del Salento | Italy | |
Francioso, Luca | Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) | Italy | |
G, Levin | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) | India | |
GHEDJATTI, ILYES | Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA) | China | |
GUPTA, ANURAG | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) | India | |
Gajeri, Marco | Politecnico di Torino | Italy | |
Gao, Jian | China | ||
Garcia-Almiñana, Daniel | UPC-BarcelonaTECH | Spain | |
García-Berenguer, Marina | UPC-BarcelonaTECH | Spain | |
Gayen, Sneha | SRM Institute of Science and Technology | India | |
Ge, Minghe | LandSpace Technology Corporation Ltd. | China | |
Ge, Panhe | China | ||
Geng, XU | Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | |
George, Elbin | Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, ISRO, Thiruvananthapuram | India | |
George, Raji | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) | India | |
Gessini, Paolo | Universidade de Brasília | Brazil | |
Giambusso, Matthew | University of Houston | United States | |
Giannetti, Vittorio | Sitael Spa | Italy | |
Gloder, Alessia | Technical University Dresden | Germany | |
Gole, Harshit | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) | India | |
Golikov, Alexander | Central AeroHydrodynamic Institute (TsAGI) | Russian Federation | |
Gontijo, Maurício | University of Brasilia | Brazil | |
Gonzalez del Amo, Jose | European Space Agency (ESA) | The Netherlands | |
González Rodríguez, María | LEEM-UPM | Spain | |
Gonçalves, Rene | Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA) | Brazil | |
Gordeev, Svyatoslav | Research Institute of Applied Mechanics and Electrodynamics (RIAME), MAI | Russian Federation | |
Gotzig, Ulrich | ArianeGroup | Germany | |
Graziani, Filippo | G.A.U.S.S. Srl | Italy | |
Gregucci, Stefan | Sitael Spa | Italy | |
Gruber, Samira | Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology (IWS) | Germany | |
Guo, Jian | China | ||
Guo, Yunqiang | The 41st Institute of Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation | China | |
Guven, Ugur | UN CSSTEAP | United States | |
Gwalani, Punit | R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru | India | |
Gómez, Víctor | SENER | Spain | |
H S, VENKATESH | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
HU, Jing | Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA) | China | |
Haigh, Sarah | The University of Manchester | United Kingdom | |
Han, Jianye | LandSpace Technology Corporation Ltd. | China | |
Hao, Zhu | Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA) | China | |
Harmansa, Nicholas | Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart | Germany | |
Hasegawa, Susumu | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) | Japan | |
Hatano, Shintaro | Chiba Institute of Technology | Japan | |
Hein, Andreas Makoto | Ecole Centrale de Paris | France | |
Heldens, Jules | Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) | Sweden | |
Herdrich, Georg H. | University of Stuttgart | Germany | |
Hildebrand, Nils | Germany | ||
Hinckel, José N. | INPE | Brazil | |
Hiraka, Kotaro | Laboratory of Spacecraft Environment Interaction Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology | Japan | |
Hiramatsu, Noriyuki | Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. | Japan | |
Hoffman, Tyler | The Ohio State University College of Engineering | United States | |
Holmes, Brandon A. | The University of Manchester | United Kingdom | |
Hongyu, Chen | China | ||
Hoover, Bradley | United States | ||
Horack, John M. | The Ohio State University College of Engineering | United States | |
Hori, Keiichi | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) | Japan | |
Hou, Qingfeng | Beijing Institute of Control Engineering, Beijing, 100080, P.R. China | China | |
Hu, Gu | China | ||
Huang, Liya | National University of Defense Technology | China | |
Hui, Weihua | Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | |
Husain, Mukkarum | Pakistan | ||
IKEDA, HAYATO | Ebara Corporation | Japan | |
Ingenito, Antonella | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | |
Inoue, Taro | Kyushu Institute of Technology | Japan | |
Intini, Rodrigo | INPE - Natiional Institute for Space Research | Brazil | |
Invigorito, Marco | CIRA Italian Aerospace Research Centre | Italy | |
Ithal, Rahul | R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru | India | |
J, Jayaprakash | Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) | India | |
JIN, Bingning | Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | |
Jaeger, Markus | Airbus Defence & Space, Space Systems | Germany | |
Jain, Umang | University of Petroleum and Energy Studies | India | |
Jana, Tamal | Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur | India | |
Jangid, Sandeep | University of Petroleum and Energy Studies | India | |
Jayan, N. | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
Jian, Dai | Central South University | China | |
Jiang, Yajing | Academy of Eqiupment | China | |
Johnson, Les | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Marshall Space Flight Center | United States | |
Joyce, Michael | The Ohio State University College of Engineering | United States | |
Jung, Sangwoo | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) | Korea, Republic of | |
Jung, YeonSoo | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) | Korea, Republic of | |
K, Harikumar | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
K, Jayaraman | India | ||
K, SHAMBAYYA | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
KIMURA, Toshiya | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) | Japan | |
KUMARI, SAVITRY | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
Kamal, Nitish | India | ||
Kamatchi, Kamatchi | Liquid Propulsion System centre | India | |
Kara, Ozan | Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) | Türkiye | |
Kashirin, Dmitriy | Research Institute of Applied Mechanics and Electrodynamics (RIAME), MAI | Russian Federation | |
Kataria, Dhiren | University College London (UCL) | United Kingdom | |
Kato, Nobuji | Katazen Corporation | Japan | |
Kauffman Jensen, Thomas | GomSpace Aps | Denmark | |
Kaushik, Mrinal | Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur | India | |
Kaverappa, Akkapanda Sourabha | R.V.College of Engineering | India | |
Kawabata, Yo | Japan | ||
Kawashima, Hideto | JAXA | Japan | |
Kedia, Raj | R.V.College of Engineering | India | |
Kella, Vara Prasad | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) | India | |
Kezerashvili, Roman Ya. | New York City College of Technology, The City University of New York | United States | |
Kharlan, Iana | Russian Federation | ||
Kim, Ju Won | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) | Korea, Republic of | |
Kim, Kyu-Seop | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) | Korea, Republic of | |
Kim, Soojong | INNOSPACE Co. Ltd. | Korea, Republic of | |
Kimura, Masaya | Chiba Institute of Technology | Japan | |
Kindomba, Eli Munyala | Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis | United States | |
Kitaeva, Alena | Sitael Spa | Italy | |
Kobald, Mario | HyImpulse Technologies GmbH | Germany | |
Kobayashi, Teiu | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) | Japan | |
Krishnamoorthy, Iynthezhuthon | SRM University, kattankulathur,chennai,INDIA | India | |
Kulkarni, Ravindra | R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru | India | |
Kumar, Ramesh | University of Petroleum and Energy Studies | India | |
Kumar S., Sunil | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) | India | |
Kushnirenko, Anatoli | Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) | Russian Federation | |
Kwon, Sejin | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) | Korea, Republic of | |
Kössling, Matthias | TU Dresden | Germany | |
LIU, Yuanzhe | Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | |
Laamoumi, Omar | Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) | French Guiana | |
Laine, Pauli | Finland | ||
Lal, Bhavya | IDA Science and Technology Policy Institute | United States | |
Laulan--Souilhac, Baptiste | ISAE - Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace | France | |
Leal Caselato, Anne Elisa | Universidade de Brasília | Brazil | |
Lee, Jungpyo | University of Brasilia | Brazil | |
Lee, Kwang-Jin | Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) | Korea, Republic of | |
Lee, Seungho | Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) | Korea, Republic of | |
Lee, Sungmin | Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) | Korea, Republic of | |
Lei, Haijun | Beijing Institute of Control Engineering, Beijing, 100080, P.R. China | China | |
Leporini, Andrea | Sitael Spa | Italy | |
Levochkin, Petr | NPO Energomash | Russian Federation | |
Li, Dun | China Academy of Aerospace Aerodynamics (CAAA) | China | |
Li, Jingxuan | Xi'an Institute of Aerospace Information | China | |
Li, Jinxian | Science and Technology on Combustion, Internal Flow and Thermal-structure Laboratory,Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | |
Li, Mingtai | National University of Defense Technology | China | |
Li, Yuanqi | Science and Technology on Liquid Rocket Engine Laboratory, Xi’an Aerospace Propulsion Institute | China | |
Liao, Yu | Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | |
Lin, Wei | Space Engineering University (Beijing) | China | |
Liu, Hongjun | Northwestern Polytechnical University,NPU | China | |
Liu, Peijin | Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | |
Liu, Peijin | Northwestern Polytechnical University,NPU | China | |
Liu, Shang | China | ||
Liu, Yufei | Science and Technology on Space Physics Laboratory | China | |
Liu, Yuxuan | China | ||
Livadiotti, Sabrina | The University of Manchester | United Kingdom | |
Locke, Jericho | IDA Science and Technology Policy Institute | United States | |
Long, Teng | Beijing Institude of technology | China | |
Lovtsov, Alexander | SSC Keldysh Research Centre | Russian Federation | |
M, Radhakrishnan | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
M S, Ahemedulkabeer | Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, ISRO, Thiruvananthapuram | India | |
M S, Suresh | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
MAHESH, V | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) | India | |
MATAKE, KOZO | Ebara Corporation | Japan | |
MITRA, SUNNY | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
MN, PRAKASH | LPSC, ISRO | India | |
MS, SURESH | LPSC, ISRO | India | |
Macario Rojas, Alejandro | The University of Manchester | United Kingdom | |
Madhu, Shreesha | R.V.College of Engineering | India | |
Malhotra, Vinayak | SRM University Chennai | India | |
Mandal, Sanjukta | R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru | India | |
Manente, Marco | T4i | Italy | |
Margevich, Thomas | The Ohio State University College of Engineering | United States | |
Maria Nunes de Jesus Luz, Jhéssica | Univerisity of Brasilia | Brazil | |
Marquardt, Axel | TU Dresden | Germany | |
Marrs, Ian | Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis | United States | |
Mathew, Shibu | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
Maurya, Shubham | Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, ISRO, Thiruvananthapuram | India | |
Mayorova, Vera | Bauman Moscow State Technical University | Russian Federation | |
Mazouffre, Stephane | CNRS | France | |
McDevitt, M. Ryan | United States | ||
Meier, Lucas | TU Dresden | Germany | |
Meng, Liang | National University of Defense Technology | China | |
Menicucci, Alessandra | Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) | The Netherlands | |
Mi, Zhenhao | The 41st Institute of the Fourth Academy, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) | China | |
Mikhalchenko, Elena | Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) | Russian Federation | |
Mishra, Ashish | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
Misuri, Tommaso | Sitael Spa | Italy | |
Monette, Maxime | TU Dresden | Germany | |
Moon, Keunhwan | INNOSPACE Co. Ltd. | Korea, Republic of | |
Moreno López, David | LEEM-UPM | Finland | |
Morita, Taichi | Kyushu University | Japan | |
Muñoz Tejeda, Jesús Manuel | Imperial College London | Spain | |
Mühlich, Nina Sarah | FOTEC Forschungs- und Technologietransfer GmbH | Austria | |
Müller, Michael | Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology (IWS) | Germany | |
NAGESWARAN, GANAPATHY NARAYANAN | Liquid Propulsion System centre | India | |
NOSSEIR, Ahmed E. S. | Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) | The Netherlands | |
Nagase, Ryo | Chiba Institute of Technology | Japan | |
Nageswaran, G | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
Nair P, Unnikrishnan | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
Nakashima, Hideki | Kyushu University | Japan | |
Nania, Francesco | Sitael Spa | Italy | |
Nath, Pranav | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
Navarro, Jaume | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | Spain | |
Neumann, Patrick | Space Industry Association of Australia | Australia | |
Neunzig, Oliver | Technische Universität Dresden (DTU) | Germany | |
Newton, Elizabeth | The Ohio State University | United States | |
Nicoara, Razvan | COMOTI | Romania | |
Nie, Wansheng | Space Engineering University (Beijing) | China | |
Nielsen, Jens | GomSpace Aps | Denmark | |
Nikitin, Valeriy | Lomonosov Moscow State University | Russian Federation | |
Nishioka, Yuki | Kyushu University | Japan | |
Nukala, Venkata Sunil Sai | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
Obukhov, Vladimir | RIAME | Russian Federation | |
Ogawara, Akira | Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. | Japan | |
Onida, Luca | Sitael Spa | Italy | |
Ortelt, Markus | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Germany | |
Oschwald, Michael | DLR (German Aerospace Center) | Germany | |
P, Sajeev | LPSC, ISRO | India | |
P, Sridharan | Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, ISRO, Thiruvananthapuram | India | |
P K, Gopinathan | Liquid Propulsion System centre | India | |
PINUMALLA, KIRAN | Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Thiruvananthapuram-695 022, INDIA | India | |
PRATYUSH, P S B | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
Paghdar, Dhavalkumar | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
Paissoni, Christopher | Sitael Spa | Italy | |
Paissoni, Christopher Andrea | Sitael Spa | Italy | |
Pal, Pritha | SRM Institute of Science and Technology | India | |
Pallichadath, Vidhya | Delft Institute Of Technology (TU Delft) | The Netherlands | |
Pan, Hongliang | Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | |
Panigrahi, Sridhar | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
Papulov, Anatolii | Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology | Russian Federation | |
Pareek, Ritvik | SRM Institute of Science and Technology | India | |
Park, Seonghyeon | Hanbat National University | Korea, Republic of | |
Parker, Alex | United States | ||
Pashkov, Anatoliy | Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University | Ukraine | |
Pasini, Angelo | University of Pisa | Italy | |
Pathan, Ayeesha | R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru | India | |
Paul, Jose | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
Pavarin, Daniele | T4i | Italy | |
Pawlicki, Diana | University of Lodz | Poland | |
Pedrini, Daniela | Sitael Spa | Italy | |
Perepechkin, Anatoliy | Flight Control LLC | Ukraine | |
Petrenko, Olexandr | Flight Control LLC | Ukraine | |
Petrenko, Roman | Yuzhnoye State Design Office | Ukraine | |
Petro, Elaine | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States | |
Peña, Pablo Fajardo | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid | Spain | |
Pinto, Fernando | Airbus Defence and Space | Spain | |
Piragino, Antonio | Sitael Spa | Italy | |
Popov, Garri A. | Research Institute of Applied Mechanics and Electrodynamics (RIAME), MAI | Russian Federation | |
Potenza, Fernando | Politecnico di Torino | Italy | |
Powis, Andrew | Princeton University | United States | |
Prashumn, Prashumn | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
Prince, Simon | Cranfield University | United Kingdom | |
Propst, Martin | TU Dresden | Germany | |
Puri, Rachita | The Ohio State University College of Engineering | United States | |
Pushkarev, Dmitry | NPO Energomash | Russian Federation | |
Qin, Fei | China | ||
R, Devika | R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru | India | |
R, Jayalekshmi | India | ||
R, Supreeth | R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru | India | |
RAI, NAIJITH | India | ||
Radomski, Nathan | The Ohio State University College of Engineering | United States | |
Raghavan, Jeenu | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) | India | |
Raj, Arun | Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) | India | |
Rajan, Aneesh | LPSC, ISRO | India | |
Rajendran, Kiran | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
Rao, Wei | Academy of Eqiupment | China | |
Ravilla, Sunil | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
Rawlins, Samantha | University of Alabama in Huntsville | United States | |
Reales Gutiérrez, Guillermo | European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) | Spain | |
Rees, Andreas | DLR (German Aerospace Center) | Germany | |
Relangi, Naresh | Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale "La Sapienza" | Italy | |
Ren, YongJie | Space Engineering University (Beijing) | China | |
Revilla Veleda, Javier | LEEM-UPM | Spain | |
Reza, Maryam | Sitael Spa | Italy | |
Rezende, Pedro Augusto | Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG | Brazil | |
Ricci, Daniele | CIRA Italian Aerospace Research Center, Capua | Italy | |
Riede, Mirko | Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology (IWS) | Germany | |
Roberts, Meredith | United States | ||
Roberts, Peter C.E. | The University of Manchester | United Kingdom | |
Rocha de Oliveira, Marta | Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) | French Guiana | |
Rodriguez-Donaire, Silvia | UPC-BarcelonaTECH | Spain | |
Romano, Francesco | Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart | Germany | |
Rossodivita, Angela | Sitael Spa | Italy | |
Ruiz, Mercedes | SENER | Spain | |
Ryu, Sunghoon | INNOSPACE Co. Ltd. | Korea, Republic of | |
S, Jeyakumar | India | ||
S, Sunil kumar | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) | India | |
S, Vivek | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
S N, RAM | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
SHA, VIVEK KUMAR | India | ||
SHAJI, A | Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre (VSSC) | India | |
SHIMAGAKI, MITSURU | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) | Japan | |
Salamon, Nick | The Ohio State University College of Engineering | United States | |
Salzmann, Heiko | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Germany | |
Santilli, Giancarlo | University of Brasilia | Brazil | |
Santos Martins, Antonino Salustiano | University of Brasilia | Brazil | |
Saxon A, Mathew | LPSC, ISRO | India | |
Schilling, Klaus | University Wuerzburg | Germany | |
Schilling, Nathan | University of Alabama in Huntsville | United States | |
Schmidt, George | NASA Glenn Research Center | United States | |
Schubert, Peter | Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis | United States | |
Seifert, Bernhard | FOTEC Forschungs- und Technologietransfer GmbH | Austria | |
Selbmann, Alex | Fraunhofer Institute for Material and Beam Technology (IWS) | Germany | |
Seminari, Simon | Novaspace | France | |
Sender, Joachim | German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Germany | |
Shanbhouge, K M | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) | India | |
Sharma, Abhishek | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) | India | |
Shashkov, Andrey | Keldysh Research Center | Russian Federation | |
Shawyer, Roger | Satellite Propulsion Research Ltd | United Kingdom | |
Shcherbak, Danylo | Flight Control LLC | Ukraine | |
Shea, Matthew | United States | ||
Shekhar, Saumya | SRM Institute of Science and Technology | India | |
Shen, Hanmo | LandSpace Technology Corporation Ltd. | China | |
Shetty, Megha S | R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru | India | |
Shi, Lei | Northwestern Polytechnical University,NPU | China | |
Shi, Renhe | Tsinghua University | China | |
Shimhanda, Senior | Kyushu Institute of Technology | Japan | |
Shumeiko, Andrei | Bauman Moscow State Technical University | Russian Federation | |
Shynkarenko, Olexiy | University of Brasilia | Brazil | |
Sieder-Katzmann, Jan | TU Dresden | Germany | |
Silva, William | University of Brasilia | Brazil | |
Simone, Domenico | University of Brasilia | Brazil | |
Singh, Anand Kumar | Department of Space Engineering, Lulea University of Technology | Sweden | |
Sinha, Aditya Raj | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) | India | |
Sinpetru, Luciana | The University of Manchester | United Kingdom | |
Skalden, Jonathan | Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart | Germany | |
Smirnova, Maria | Lomonosov Moscow State University | Russian Federation | |
Smith, Joyce | The Ohio State University College of Engineering | United States | |
Smith, Katharine | University of Manchester | United Kingdom | |
Smoraldi, Antonio | CIRA Italian Aerospace Research Centre | Italy | |
Sohail, Muhammad Amjad | Other | Pakistan | |
Song, Junling | Academy of Eqiupment | China | |
Sparvieri, Nicola | GAUSS S.r.l. | Italy | |
Speretta, Stefano | Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) | The Netherlands | |
Squire, Jared | Ad Astra Rocket Company | United States | |
Stamov, Lyuben | Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) | Russian Federation | |
Stella, Fulvio | Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | |
Stesina, Fabrizio | Politecnico di Torino | Italy | |
Su, Lingyu | Space Engineering University (Beijing) | China | |
Suciu, Cosmin | COMOTI | Romania | |
Sudakov, Vladimir | NPO Energomash | Russian Federation | |
Sulliotti-Linner, Valeria | Elecnor Deimos Satellite Systems | Spain | |
Sun, Lin | Science and Technology on Combustion, Internal Flow and Thermal-structure Laboratory, Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | |
Sureda, Miquel | Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC BarcelonaTech) | Spain | |
T, THILLAIKUMAR | Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur | India | |
TAKADA, SATOSHI | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) | Japan | |
THOMABRE, BHUSHAN | SRM Institute of Science and Technology | India | |
Tajmar, Martin | TU Dresden | Germany | |
Talavera, Diego | Luleå University of Technology | Sweden | |
Tan, Yonghua | Academy of Aerospace Propulsion Technology, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) | China | |
Telekh, Victor | Bauman Moscow State Technical University | Russian Federation | |
Thakur, Riya | University of Petroleum and Energy Studies | India | |
Thakur, Sahil | University of Petroleum and Energy Studies | India | |
Tharakan, John T | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO), Liquid Propulsion Systems Centre (LPSC) | India | |
Tian, Hui | Beihang University | China | |
Tian, Weiping | The 4th Academy, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) | China | |
Tolok, Stanislav | Flight Control LLC | Ukraine | |
Tong, Yiheng | Space Engineering University (Beijing) | China | |
Tong, Yiheng | Space Engineering University (Beijing) | China | |
Topputo, Francesco | Politecnico di Milano | Italy | |
Toson, Elena | T4i | Italy | |
Toyoda, Kazuhiro | Kyushu Institute of Technology | Japan | |
Traub, Constantin | Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart | Germany | |
Trezzolani, Fabio | T4i | Italy | |
Tyurenkova, Veronika | Scientific Research Institute for System Analysis, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) | Russian Federation | |
Ukai, Satoshi | JAXA | Japan | |
V, Abarna | Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) | India | |
V, NARAYANAN | Liquid Propulsion System centre | India | |
V, PAVITHRA | Student | India | |
Vaidya, Shreepali Sanjay | University of Pisa | Italy | |
Venkatesan, Jayakumar | Valles Marineris International Private Limited | India | |
Verma, Arnika | Liquid Propulsion System centre | India | |
Vetrano, Maria Rosaria | KU Leuven – University of Leuven | Belgium | |
Vial, Vanessa | Safran Aircraft Engines | France | |
Vilag, Jeni | COMOTI | Romania | |
Vilag, Valeriu | COMOTI | Romania | |
Villain, Rachel | Novaspace | France | |
Vinci, Alfio | CNRS | France | |
Vishwakarma, Kirti | University of Petroleum and Energy Studies | India | |
Vorob'ev, Yevgeniy | Bauman Moscow State Technical University | Russian Federation | |
Wada, Yutaka | Chiba Institute of Technology | Japan | |
Walton, Matthew | United States | ||
Wang, Ge | Beijing Institute of Control Engineering, Beijing, 100080, P.R. China | China | |
Wang, Haixing | Beijing University of Aeronatics and Astronautics | China | |
Wang, Jianru | The 41st Institute of the Fourth Academy, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) | China | |
Wang, Liwu | The 41st Institute of Academy of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation | China | |
Wang, Ya Jun | College of Astronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | |
Wang, Zhuopu | Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | |
Wang, Zihao | The University of Sydney | Australia | |
Waxenegger-Wilfing, Günther | DLR (German Aerospace Center) | Germany | |
Wei, Zhao | Beijing Institute of Technology | China | |
Weikert, Marcel | TU Dresden | Germany | |
Weinmiller, Julius | Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) | The Netherlands | |
Wenwu, Chen | National University of Defense Technology | China | |
Win, Marshal | INNOSPACE Co. Ltd. | Korea, Republic of | |
Woo, Kyoungjin | INNOSPACE Co. Ltd. | Korea, Republic of | |
Wu, Liyin | China Aerodynamics Research and Development Center (CARDC) | China | |
Wu, Yufei | Beijing Institute of Technology | China | |
Xia, Zhixun | China | ||
Xin, Mingyuan | Academy of Eqiupment | China | |
YE, Jinying | Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | |
Yamamoto, Naoji | Kyushu University | Japan | |
Yang, Jie | Northeastern University | China | |
Yang, Ruikang | LandSpace Technology Corporation Ltd. | China | |
Yasuda, Takeshi | Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology | Japan | |
Yemets, Mykhailo | Oles Honchar Dnipropetrovsk National University | Ukraine | |
Yemets, Vitaly | Dniepropetrovsk National University | Ukraine | |
Yoon, Wonjae | Space Solutions Co. LTD | Korea, Republic of | |
Yu, Nanjia | School of Astronautics, Beihang University | China | |
Yu, Ruipeng | Beihang University | China | |
Yuan, Shiwei | Beijing University of Aeronatics and Astronautics | China | |
Yuan, Yu | LandSpace Technology Corporation Ltd. | China | |
Yushan, GAO | Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute | China | |
Yusuf, Aamir | Liquid Propulsion System centre | India | |
ZHAO, Jian | Xi'an Aerospace Propulsion Institute | China | |
ZHU, Shaohua | Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | |
Zhang, Chunben | LandSpace Technology Corporation Ltd. | China | |
Zhang, Duo | Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | |
Zhao, Bo | China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) | China | |
Zhao, Jiafeng | Space Engineering University (Beijing) | China | |
Zhao, Sheng | China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) | China | |
Zhao, Yu | Shanghai Academy of Spaceflight Technology (SAST), China Aerospace and Technology Corporation (CASC) | China | |
Zhao, Zeng | School of Astronautics, Beihang University | China | |
Zheng, Wei | Beijing Institute of Control Engineering, Beijing, 100080, P.R. China | China | |
Zhou, Cheng | Beijing Institute of Control Engineering, Beijing, 100080, P.R. China | China | |
Zhu, Yangzhu | Space Engineering University (Beijing) | China | |
Zhu, Yangzhu | Space Engineering University (Beijing) | China | |
Zhuang, Fengchen | Space Engineering University (Beijing) | China | |
argemi, adria | Spain | ||
de Jong, Nicolás | LEEM-UPM | Spain | |
de Oliveira, Élcio Jeronimo | Luleå University of Technology | Sweden | |
juanico, yannick | Air Liquide | France | |
matsui, takafumi | Chiba Institute of Technology | Japan | |
paccagnella, enrico | Università degli Studi di Padova | Italy | |
ruffin, alessandro | T4i | Italy | |
sun, mingming | Lanzhou Institute of Physics | China | |
ye, dongdong | Beijing Institute of Control Engineering, Beijing, 100080, P.R. China | China |