session 1
- Title
Space Exploration Overview
- type
- Description
This Session covers Space Exploration strategies and architectures, as well as technology roadmaps. Papers of both national and international perspectives are invited, as are papers dealing with the emerging area of commercial space exploration activities.
- Date
- Time
- Room
- IPC members
Co-Chair: Mrs. Kathy Laurini, Osare Space Consulting Group, United States;
Co-Chair: Mr. Keyur Patel, National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion Laboratory, United States;
Rapporteur: Dr. Norbert Frischauf, TU Graz, Austria;
Order | Time | Paper title | Mode | Presentation status | Speaker | Affiliation | Country |
1 | 15:15 | Planetary Protection: updates and challenges for a sustainable space exploration | 10 | confirmed | Dr. Athena Coustenis | LIRA, Paris Observatory-PSL | France |
2 | 15:25 | Lower radio frequency signals' existence and potential usefulness in space | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Tomasz Mis | Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) | Poland |
3 | 15:35 | 10 | confirmed | Dr. Greg Chavers | NASA Marshall Space Flight Center | United States | |
4 | 15:45 | The Lunar Open Architecture: Towards a Shared Roadmap of Lunar Exploration | 10 | confirmed | Ms. Nadia Khan | University College London (UCL) | United Kingdom |
5 | 15:55 | Prospects for Space Exploration: Towards a new era of collaboration and competition | 10 | confirmed | Ms. Natalia Larrea Brito | Novaspace | United States |
6 | 16:05 | 10 | confirmed | Dr. Brad Bailey | NASA | United States | |
7 | 16:15 | Asymmetric friction locomotion for deep exploration of extraterrestrial bodies | 10 | Prof. Arcady Dyskin | The University of Western Australia (UWA) | Australia | |
8 | 16:25 | Present and Future Space Exploration in the United Arab Emirates | 10 | confirmed | Prof. Ilias Fernini | Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences and Technology (SAASST) | United Arab Emirates |
9 | 16:35 | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Thomas Cernev | Shoal Group | Australia | |
10 | 16:45 | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Eric Bertels | ISIS - Innovative Solutions In Space B.V. | The Netherlands | |
11 | 16:55 | Mission and System Architecture Design of a Deimos Sample-Return Mission | 10 | confirmed | Mr. Atharva Pawar | Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) | India |
12 | 17:05 | Investigating feasibility of CubeSat Venus Mission for Atmospheric Surveying | 10 | confirmed | Ms. Maria Regina Apoodaca Moreno | Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States |
13 | 17:15 | 10 | confirmed | Dr. James Carpenter | ESA - European Space Agency | The Netherlands | |
14 | 17:25 | 10 | confirmed | Ms. Soyoung Chung | Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) | Korea, Republic of |