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    Joint Near Earth Objects / Space Debris Session




    This symposium, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), will address all topics related to planetary defense from near-Earth objects (NEOs), including remote observation, characterization, modeling and simulation, and methods for mitigating the effects of an impacting asteroid or comet. Additionally, synergistic areas of investigation, such as space debris mitigation, asteroid mining, and robotic and human exploration of these small bodies are particularly welcome., simulation and robotic. Synergistic and joint aspects with other areas of investigation, such as space debris, asteroid resources are particularly welcome. Lessons learned and advances in fields that may be applicable to planetary defense and vice-versa are encouraged. The symposium will also be open to contributions on the legal and policy aspects associated with planetary defense and consider how to communicate relevant information to decision-makers. Finally, we welcome contributions regarding educational and public communication initiatives and programs. Synergistic and joint aspects between asteroid and comet impact mitigation and other fields, as well as innovative approaches to planetary defense, are particularly welcome. Lessons learned and advances in any area (such as in-situ science missions) that may be applicable to planetary defense and vice-versa are encouraged.

    IPC members
    • Co-Chair: Prof. Thomas Schildknecht, SwissSpace Association, Switzerland;

    • Co-Chair: Dr. Darren McKnight, LeoLabs, United States;

    • Co-Chair: Mr. Dan Mazanek, NASA LaRC, United States;

    • Co-Chair: Ms. Nancy C. Wolfson, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), United States;

    • Rapporteur: Mr. Philipp Maier, Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart, Germany;