session 5
- Title
Advancements in Materials Applications and Rapid Prototyping
- type
- Description
The topics to be addressed include advancements in materials applications and novel technical concepts in the rapid prototyping of space systems. Continuous improvements in materials and structural concepts are always needed to achieve extremely demanding goals in performance, reliability, and affordability of space components, especially in terms of greater accuracy/dimensional stability, longer life, greater survivability to both natural and threat environments, and producibility capability for high volume production. Different rapid prototyping processes are currently used for different materials in the fabrication of metal, ceramic, and plastic parts. However, as very new technique, Additive Manufacturing is strongly emerging due to the capability of optimization of structural parts for space applications as it concerns weight reduction, improvement of mechanical properties and reduction of development and lead times as well as the reduction of costs. Furthermore AM processes make three-dimensional parts directly from CAD models by adding materials layer by layer.
- Date
- Time
- Room
- IPC members
Co-Chair: Dr. Giuliano Marino, CIRA Italian Aerospace Research Centre, Italy;
Co-Chair: Dr. Behnam Ashrafi, Canadian Aeronautics & Space Institute (CASI), Canada;
Rapporteur: Mr. James Tucker, American Astronautical Society (AAS), United States;
Rapporteur: Dr. Raymond G. Clinton, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, United States;
Order | Time | Paper title | Mode | Presentation status | Speaker | Affiliation | Country |
1 | 15:00 | sandwich structures with tpms graded-cells core architecture | 12 | confirmed | Mr. Pedro Alves | University of Brasilia | Brazil |
2 | 15:12 | Advanced least weight design optimization of additive manufactured space rover steering brackets | 12 | confirmed | Mr. Leonardo Maria Festa | Politecnico di Torino | Italy |
3 | 15:24 | Leveraging novel PEEK additive manufacturing techniques for a viable micro lunar rover structure | 12 | confirmed | Mr. Kevin Johnston | University of British Columbia | Canada |
4 | 15:36 | 12 | confirmed | Mr. Paul Gradl | National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) | United States | |
5 | 15:48 | Use of Volumetric Additive Manufacturing (VAM), as an In-Space Manufacturing (ISM) technology. | 12 | confirmed | Mr. Taylor Waddell | University of California, Berkeley | United States |
6 | 16:00 | NASA’s Moon-to-Mars Planetary Autonomous Construction Technology Project: Overview and Status | 12 | confirmed | Mr. Raymond G. Clinton | NASA Marshall | United States |
7 | 16:12 | 12 | confirmed | Mr. Hernan David Mateus Jimenez | University of North Dakota | United States | |
8 | 16:24 | 12 | confirmed | Ms. Martina Dimoska | International Space University (ISU) | France | |
9 | 16:36 | 12 | confirmed | Dr. Marco Mulser | OHB System AG | Germany | |
10 | 16:48 | Metal Additive Layer Manufacturing of Nano-Satellite Primary Mechanical Structure | 12 | confirmed | Mr. Muhammad Shadab Khan | ENSAM | France |
11 | 17:00 | Endless Photopolymer Tube Extrusion for On-Orbit Manufacturing of Satellite Booms | 12 | confirmed | Mr. Christoph Boehrer | Munich University of Applied Sciences | Germany |
12 | 17:12 | 12 | withdrawn | Mr. Didunoluwa Obilanade | Luleå University of Technology | Sweden |