Technical programme
IAC-22 — 73rd International Astronautical Congress
This symposium, organized by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF), will address all aspects of the hazards associated with the impact of asteroids and comets on Earth and their mitigation. Due to the multidisciplinary nature of planetary defense, the symposium additionally aims to establish joint sessions with other symposiums investigating synergies and lessons learned.
- Coordinator
Alex Karl
Space Applications Services — BelgiumAlissa J. Haddaji
MIT Art, Design and Technology University — United States
E10.1. Planetary Defense from Asteroids and Comets
This session will address all aspects of the hazards associated with the impact of asteroids and comets on Earth and their mitigation, covering these broad areas of interest: 1. An overview about the latest developments and mission summaries related to recent, ongoing or upcoming missions with a focus on planetary defense. 2. Advances in pre-impact determinations and prevention of impacts, such as discovery and characterisation, along with mission & campaign designs to deflect or disrupt a hazardous object. 3. Advances in preparation for impact, such as impact consequences & disaster management and response coordination on local and international levels. 4. General considerations such as the influence of legal, social and economic aspects on the decision to act by decision makers, the deflection methods used as well as public education and communication to various audiences 5. Lessons learned from other missions and endeavours that could benefit planetary defense and vice versa.
- Co-Chair
Daniel Mazanek
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Langley Research Center — United StatesChangyin Zhao
Purple Mountain Observatory (PMO) — China
- Rapporteur
Alejandro J. Roman Molinas
Paraguayan Space Agency — ParaguayAlex Karl
Space Applications Services — Belgium
E10.2-A6.10. Joint Technical Session: “Near-Earth Objects & Space Debris”
Artificial and natural space debris pose a growing concern while the awareness about hazards associated with Earth-crossing asteroids and comets is increasing. The rising number of artificial satellite objects in LEO, HEO, GEO as well as cis-lunar space, the potential for a rapid increase in the associated collisional debris could cause long-lasting impediments if not explored further. Similarly, Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) span sizes from micrometeorites to km-scale objects, posing a potential hazard to people and property both in space and on Earth. This Joint Session aims to explore common aspects of these challenges by inviting papers that: • Identify the physical threat domain, examine approaches to protecting lives and property on Earth and in space, and discuss how to facilitate local and international coordination. • Explore the collaboration potential and new developments in detection, characterization, observational techniques, tracking systems, and orbit prediction capabilities. • Discuss (or anlayze) the synergies in current efforts to mitigate their impact risks, and propose strategies for their deflection or avoidance. • Discuss risk management, highlight associated legal, policy, economic and ethical aspects, and consider how to inform and advise decision-makers. • Research other key fields, including public communication and education.
- Co-Chair
Thomas Schildknecht
SwissSpace Association — SwitzerlandDarren McKnight
LeoLabs — United StatesDaniel Mazanek
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Langley Research Center — United StatesAlissa J. Haddaji
MIT Art, Design and Technology University — United States
- Rapporteur
Philipp Maier
Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart — GermanyCamilla Colombo
Politecnico di Milano — Italy
This session offers a unique opportunity to deliver your key messages in an interactive presentation on any of the subjects of Planetary Defense and Near-Earth Objects addressed in the classic Sessions. The presentation will be displayed on a digital screen in a dedicated location and available for view by all Congress attendees for the entire Congress week. In addition, one afternoon is dedicated exclusively for the attendees to view the Interactive Presentations, and the author will be assigned a specific ten minute slot to personally present the topic and interact with the attendees present. The Interactive Presentation may take advantage of all electronic display capabilities, such as: PowerPoint charts, embedded hot links, pictures, audio and video clips etc. An award will also be presented to the author of the best Interactive Presentation in the E Category at a special ceremony. An Abstract that follows the standard format must be submitted by the deadline for standard IAC abstracts.
- Co-Chair
Alex Karl
Space Applications Services — BelgiumAlissa J. Haddaji
MIT Art, Design and Technology University — United States
- Co-Chair
Alex Karl
Space Applications Services — BelgiumAlissa J. Haddaji
MIT Art, Design and Technology University — United States