symposium D1
country | papers | |
---|---|---| | Germany | 1 |
Airbus D&S | Germany | 1 |
Airbus Defence & Space | France | 4 |
Airbus Defence and Space | Germany | 1 |
ASTRAX LAB | Japan | 1 |
ASTRAX, Inc. | Japan | 2 |
Astroscale Ltd | United Kingdom | 3 |
Azercosmos, Space Agency of Republic of Azerbaijan | Azerbaijan | 3 |
Business on Engineering and Technology S.A.C. (BE Tech) | Peru | 1 |
Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) | France | 1 |
China Academy of Space Technology | China | 1 |
China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) | China | 1 |
China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) | China | 8 |
CNES | France | 1 |
Comision Nacional de Actividades Espaciales (CONAE) | Argentina | 1 |
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) | Italy | 4 |
Cranfield University | United Kingdom | 8 |
Cranfield University | United Kingdom | 3 |
CS-SI | France | 1 |
CSIRO | Australia | 1 |
DCTA-IAE | Brazil | 1 |
Dcubed GmbH | Germany | 1 |
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) | The Netherlands | 1 |
DFKI GmbH, Robotics Innovation Center | Germany | 4 |
DFKI Robotics Innovation Center Bremen | Poland | 4 |
DLR (German Aerospace Center) | Germany | 3 |
ESA | The Netherlands | 1 |
ETHZ | Switzerland | 3 |
European Space Agency (ESA) | The Netherlands | 1 |
FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences | Germany | 3 |
Fuzhou University | China | 4 |
Georgia Institute of Technology | United States | 5 |
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta | United States | 1 |
Geotrend | France | 1 |
German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Germany | 1 |
German Orbital Systems GmbH | Germany | 2 |
German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence | Germany | 1 |
Gilmour Space Technologies | Australia | 1 |
Griffith University | Australia | 5 |
HEO Robotics | United Kingdom | 1 |
Image Processing Research Laboratory (INTI-Lab). Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades - UCH | Peru | 1 |
Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST) | India | 1 |
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) | India | 1 |
INPE - National Institute for Space Research | Brazil | 1 |
Institute of Remote Sensing Satellite, China Academy of Space Technology | China | 1 |
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) | Japan | 1 |
Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart | Germany | 3 |
Institute of Space Systems, University of Stuttgart | Germany | 4 |
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) | Brazil | 1 |
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA) | Brazil | 1 |
International Space University (ISU) | Canada | 3 |
IRS, University of Stuttgart | Germany | 1 |
ISAE - Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace | France | 3 |
ISAE-Supaero University of Toulouse | France | 2 |
ISIS - Innovative Solutions In Space B.V. | The Netherlands | 1 |
Istanbul Technical University | Türkiye | 3 |
ITA-DCTA | Brazil | 1 |
Italian Space Agency (ASI) | Italy | 1 |
ITESM | Mexico | 2 |
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) | Japan | 8 |
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), ISAS | Japan | 1 |
Julius Maximilians Universität Würzburg | Germany | 2 |
KARI | Korea, Republic of | 1 |
Khalifa University of Science and Technology (KUST) | United Arab Emirates | 2 |
Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) | Korea, Republic of | 4 |
KSat e.V. | Germany | 17 |
Kyushu Institue of Technology | Japan | 3 |
Kyushu Institute of Technology | Japan | 10 |
Laboratory of Spacecraft Environment Interaction Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology | Japan | 1 |
LaSEINE, Kyushu Institute of Technology | Japan | 3 |
Luleå University of Technology | Sweden | 6 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States | 8 |
MIT Art, Design and Technology University | India | 1 |
Munich University of Applied Sciences | Germany | 2 |
Nanyang Technological University | Singapore, Republic of | 2 |
NASA Ames Research Center | United States | 4 |
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (USRA) | United States | 2 |
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory | United States | 1 |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) | United States | 1 |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Goddard Space Flight Center | United States | 1 |
National Aviation Academy - Azerbaijan | Azerbaijan | 2 |
National Institute for Space Research - INPE | Brazil | 1 |
National Key Laboratory of Aerospace Flight Dynamics,Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | 1 |
National Key Laboratory of Aerospace Flight Dynamics,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi'an | China | 2 |
Newcastle University | United Kingdom | 3 |
Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | 1 |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology | Norway | 1 |
NTNU | Norway | 1 |
Politecnico di Milano | Italy | 14 |
Politecnico di Torino | Italy | 6 |
Politecnico di Torino | Italy | 30 |
Politecnico di Torino - Thales Alenia Space Italia - ISAE Supaero Toulouse | Italy | 21 |
RHEA System B.V. | The Netherlands | 1 |
RMIT University (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology) | Australia | 2 |
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) | Australia | 1 |
Ryerson University | Canada | 1 |
SAFRAN | France | 1 |
Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | 9 |
Satellogic | Spain | 1 |
Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna | Italy | 3 |
SENER | Spain | 3 |
SENER Aeroespacial | Spain | 7 |
SGT Inc. / NASA Ames Research Center | United States | 1 |
Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology | Russian Federation | 1 |
Southern Regional Space Research Center - CRS/INPE - MCTI in collaboration with the Santa Maria Space Science Laboratory - LACESM/CT - UFSM | Brazil | 1 |
Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) | India | 1 |
Space Products and Innovation (SPiN) | Germany | 3 |
Space Products and Innovation - SPiN | Italy | 1 |
Spaceonova | India | 1 |
Stanford University | United States | 1 |
Student | India | 1 |
SUPAERO- Ecole Nationale Supérieure de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace | France | 3 |
TAI - Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc | Türkiye | 1 |
TAI - Turkish Aerospace Industries, Inc. | Türkiye | 1 |
Teaching Science and Technology, Inc (TSTI) | United States | 1 |
Team Tumbleweed | The Netherlands | 5 |
Technical University of Berlin | Germany | 1 |
Technical University of Munich | Germany | 4 |
Technische Universität München | Germany | 2 |
Technology Innovation Institute (TII) | United Arab Emirates | 4 |
Thales Alenia Space | France | 2 |
Thales Alenia Space France, 100 Boulevard du Midi, 06150 Cannes la Bocca, France | France | 2 |
Thales Alenia Space Italia | Italy | 1 |
Thales Alenia Space Italia | Italy | 3 |
Tokyo Institute of Technology | Japan | 1 |
Tsinghua University | China | 2 |
TU Berlin | Germany | 2 |
TU Darmstadt | Germany | 1 |
Universidade Federal de Santa Maria - UFSM | Brazil | 1 |
Universität der Bundeswehr München | Germany | 4 |
University of Alabama in Huntsville | United States | 3 |
University of Glasgow | United Kingdom | 3 |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign | United States | 1 |
University of Leicester | United Kingdom | 8 |
University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg | 10 |
University of Mumbai | India | 2 |
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies | India | 1 |
University of Strathclyde | United Kingdom | 2 |
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow | United Kingdom | 1 |
University of Stuttgart | Germany | 5 |
University of Trento | Italy | 1 |
University of Turkish Aeronautical Association | Türkiye | 6 |
Xi'an Microelectronics Technology Institute, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) | China | 1 |
Zentrum für Telematik | Germany | 3 |
[unlisted] | Singapore, Republic of | 16 |