symposium D4
country | papers | |
100 Year Starship | United States | 3 |
Aalto University | Finland | 1 |
AIKO S.r.l. | Italy | 5 |
Arizona State University | United States | 1 |
ASTRAX LAB | Japan | 1 |
ASTRAX, Inc. | Japan | 4 |
Azerbaijan State University of Economics | Azerbaijan | 1 |
China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) | China | 2 |
China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology(CALT) | China | 1 |
Commission d'Astronautique de l'Academie Roumaine | Romania | 1 |
Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar | India | 1 |
Finnish Astronautical Society | Finland | 1 |
Harbin Institute of Technology | China | 1 |
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur | India | 1 |
International Space Elevator Consortium | United Kingdom | 2 |
International Space Elevator Consortium (ISEC) | United States | 1 |
International Space University (ISU) | United States | 20 |
ISAE-Supaero University of Toulouse | France | 1 |
ISRO | India | 1 |
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | United States | 2 |
Jordan Space Research Initiative (JSRI) | Jordan | 1 |
Kozminski University | Poland | 1 |
LPS | United States | 1 |
Mc Gill Institute for Aerospace Engineering (MIAE) | Canada | 1 |
Moon Village Association (MVA) | Saudi Arabia | 6 |
NASA Ames Research Center | United States | 1 |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Kennedy Space Center | United States | 1 |
National Insitute of Nuclear Physics - INFN | Italy | 1 |
National Space Society (USA) -Mumbai chapter | India | 2 |
Obayashi Corporation | Japan | 11 |
Polish Academy of Sciences - Space Research Centre | Poland | 1 |
Politecnico di Milano | Italy | 1 |
Politecnico di Torino | Italy | 1 |
retired from NASA GSFC | United States | 1 |
Ryerson University | Canada | 1 |
School of Astronautics, Harbin Institute of Technology | China | 1 |
SDA Bocconi School of Management, Bocconi University | Italy | 1 |
Secure World Foundation | United States | 1 |
SEE Lab - SDA Bocconi School of Management | Italy | 2 |
Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences and Technology (SAASST) | United Arab Emirates | 4 |
Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Technology (SAASST) | United Arab Emirates | 1 |
Shizuoka University | Japan | 4 |
Shonan Institute of Technology | Japan | 4 |
Skyline Space | India | 5 |
SouthWest Analytic Network | United States | 1 |
Space Forward Lab | Austria | 3 |
Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) | United Kingdom | 3 |
Teaching Science and Technology, Inc (TSTI) | United States | 2 |
Technical University of Munich | Germany | 6 |
The John Hopkins University | United States | 1 |
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | United States | 1 |
ThoughtWorks Technologies India Private Limited | India | 5 |
Tohoku University | Japan | 5 |
Unispace Exponential Creativity | Italy | 1 |
Universidade do Minho | Portugal | 1 |
University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg | 1 |
University of New South Wales | Australia | 1 |
University of Toronto | Canada | 1 |
UNSW Australia | Australia | 2 |
[unlisted] | Poland | 5 |