symposium A3
country | papers | |
1)Science and Technology on Aerospace Flight Dynamics Laboratory, China,2)Beijing Aerospace Control Center, China | China | 1 |
Aalen University of Applied Sciences | Germany | 4 |
Aalto University | Finland | 1 |
ABB Bomem Inc. | Canada | 4 |
Academy of Fine Arts and Design Poliarte (Ancona, Italy) | Italy | 4 |
ADA University | Azerbaijan | 3 |
Advanced Space | United States | 16 |
Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI) | Italy | 7 |
AgniKul Cosmos | India | 2 |
Agronomic Institute of Campinas - IAC | Brazil | 1 |
Air Liquide | France | 5 |
Airbus Defence & Space, Space Systems | Germany | 1 |
Airbus Defence and Space | Germany | 8 |
Airbus Defence and Space Ltd | United Kingdom | 23 |
Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna | Italy | 8 |
Altec S.p.A. | Italy | 13 |
American University of Sharjah | United Arab Emirates | 1 |
Amity University Mumbai | India | 1 |
Amity University, Dubai | United Arab Emirates | 3 |
Analog Astronaut Training Center | Poland | 4 |
ARESYS | Italy | 1 |
Arizona State University | United States | 2 |
ARTEMIS Innovation Management Solutions, LLC | United States | 1 |
ASI - Italian Space Agency | Italy | 16 |
Ataturk University | Türkiye | 3 |
Austrian Academy of Sciences | Austria | 1 |
Axiom Space | United States | 1 |
Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University (ASOIU) | Azerbaijan | 3 |
Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University (ASPU) | Azerbaijan | 1 |
Bauman Moscow State Technical University | Russian Federation | 4 |
Beihang University | China | 1 |
Beijing Aerospace Control Center (BACC) | China | 8 |
Beijing Institude of technology | China | 1 |
Beijing Institute of Control Engineering, China Academy of Space Technology | China | 1 |
Beijing Institute of Technology | China | 4 |
Beijing Institute of technology(BIT) | China | 2 |
Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunication Technology (BITTT) | China | 1 |
Bellatrix Aerospace Private Limited | India | 3 |
Bellatrix Aerospace Private Limited. | India | 1 |
Birkbeck College London | United Kingdom | 1 |
Blinc- Borderless lab | Jordan | 1 |
BMS College of Engineering, Bengaluru | India | 2 |
Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities (ABAE) | Venezuela | 12 |
BRAC University | Bangladesh | 2 |
Brahmand Exploration | India | 3 |
Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (EMBRAPA) | Brazil | 19 |
Brazilian Space Agency (AEB) | Brazil | 1 |
Bubble Technology Industries | Canada | 2 |
California Institute of Technology | United States | 2 |
Canadensys Aerospace Corporation | Canada | 3 |
Canadian Space Agency | Canada | 1 |
Canadian Space Agency | Canada | 5 |
Carleton Univeristy | Canada | 1 |
Carleton University | Canada | 2 |
Carnegie Mellon University | United States | 7 |
Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture (CENA) | Brazil | 1 |
Central University of Venezuela (UCV) | Venezuela | 1 |
Centre for Space Research and Applications, FUTA, Nigeria | Nigeria | 4 |
Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) | France | 23 |
Centro de Astrobiologia (INTA-CSIC) | Spain | 2 |
China Academy of Aerospace Science and Innovation | China | 1 |
China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) | China | 7 |
China Academy of Space Technology (Xi’an) | China | 1 |
China Ship Development and Design Center | China | 1 |
Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | 1 |
Chiyoda Corporation | Japan | 5 |
Chuo University | Japan | 1 |
CIRA Italian Aerospace Research Center, Capua | Italy | 1 |
CIRA Italian Aerospace Research Centre | Italy | 1 |
CISAS "G. Colombo" - University of Padova | Italy | 3 |
CISAS – “G. Colombo” Center of Studies and Activities for Space, University of Padova | Italy | 5 |
CisLunar Industries | Germany | 6 |
CNRS | France | 3 |
CNRS - LATMOS | France | 5 |
Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research, University of Colorado | United States | 2 |
Colorado School of Mines | United States | 1 |
Conceptual Exploration Research | United Kingdom | 1 |
Concordia University | Canada | 7 |
Conex Research | Russian Federation | 7 |
Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC) | Spain | 1 |
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) | Italy | 1 |
Cosine Remote Sensing B.V. | The Netherlands | 1 |
COSPAR | Austria | 1 |
Cranfield University | United Kingdom | 11 |
Cranfield University | United Kingdom | 3 |
Cranfield University, Cranfiel UK | United Kingdom | 3 |
Cranfield University, Cranfield UK | United Kingdom | 12 |
Cranfield University, UK | United Kingdom | 5 |
CS-SI | France | 2 |
CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories (CSIR-NAL) | India | 2 |
Czech Technical University In Prague (CTU) | Czech Republic | 1 |
Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences | Germany | 1 |
Dayananda Sagar University | India | 5 |
Deep Space Initiative | France | 1 |
Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO) | India | 3 |
Delft Aerospace Rocket Engineering (DARE) | The Netherlands | 1 |
Delft Institute Of Technology (TU Delft) | The Netherlands | 1 |
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) | The Netherlands | 13 |
Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), The Netherlands | Germany | 1 |
Deutsches Zentrum fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) | Germany | 3 |
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) | Germany | 2 |
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) | Germany | 2 |
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) | Germany | 1 |
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR) | Germany | 16 |
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR), Institute of Space Systems | Germany | 1 |
DFKI GmbH, Robotics Innovation Center | Germany | 9 |
DFKI Robotics Innovation Center Bremen | Germany | 2 |
DLR (German Aerospace Center) | Germany | 18 |
Dublin Institute of Technology | Ireland | 1 |
Durham University | United Kingdom | 1 |
Earth and Planetary Institute of Canada | Canada | 1 |
Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) | Switzerland | 4 |
Egyptian Space Agency (EgSA) | Egypt | 2 |
Eindhoven University of Technology | The Netherlands | 2 |
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University | United States | 2 |
EnduroSat AD | Italy | 1 |
ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development | Italy | 1 |
ESA | The Netherlands | 5 |
ESA - European Space Agency | The Netherlands | 13 |
ESA BIC Prague | Norway | 2 |
ESTEC, European Space Agency | The Netherlands | 1 |
ETHZ | Switzerland | 11 |
European Space Agency (ESA) | The Netherlands | 3 |
European Space Agency (ESA) | The Netherlands | 33 |
European Space Agency (ESA) | The Netherlands | 1 |
European Space Agency (ESA) | The Netherlands | 1 |
European Space Agency (ESA) | Germany | 2 |
European Space Agency (ESA-ESOC) | Germany | 1 |
European Space Agency (ESA-ESTEC) | The Netherlands | 7 |
European Space Agency (ESA/EAC) | Germany | 1 |
European Space Agency (ESA/ESTEC) | Poland | 3 |
European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) | United Kingdom | 1 |
European Space Resources Innovation Centre (ESRIC) | Luxembourg | 3 |
Facultad de Ingeniería-UNAM | Mexico | 5 |
Federal University of Lavras - UFLA | Brazil | 2 |
Federal University of Pelotas - UFPel | Brazil | 2 |
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) | Brazil | 2 |
FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences | Germany | 2 |
Fluid Gravity Engineering Ltd | United Kingdom | 1 |
Foundation for Space Development South Africa | South Africa | 1 |
Frazer-Nash Consultancy | United Kingdom | 2 |
Freelance Artist | Italy | 1 |
Freie Universitaet Berlin | Germany | 1 |
G.M.V. Space and Defence, S.A. | Spain | 2 |
German Aerospace Center (DLR) | Germany | 43 |
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Berlin | Germany | 3 |
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Bremen | Germany | 3 |
German Aerospace Center (DLR), Bremen, Germany | Germany | 1 |
GMV Aerospace & Defence SAU | Spain | 3 |
GMV Aerospace & Defence SAU, Spain | Spain | 2 |
GMV Innovating Solutions | United Kingdom | 1 |
Habitat Marte Space Analog Station | Poland | 1 |
Hanyang University | Korea, Republic of | 3 |
Heidelberg University | Germany | 1 |
Hindustan University | India | 2 |
Honeybee Robotics | United States | 1 |
IEEE member | Jordan | 2 |
IHEP/CAS | China | 1 |
ILEWG "EuroMoonMars" | The Netherlands | 56 |
Imperial College London | United Kingdom | 10 |
IMT Mines Albi | France | 2 |
INAF | Italy | 9 |
INAF - Astrophysical Observatory of Arcetri | Italy | 2 |
INAF - Istituto Nazionale di AstroFisica | Italy | 5 |
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte | Italy | 1 |
INAF - Osservatorio astronomico di Padova | Italy | 2 |
INAF-IAPS | Italy | 25 |
Indian Institute of Remote Sensing | India | 1 |
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) | India | 3 |
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) | India | 1 |
Innovation Academy for Microsatellites, Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | 4 |
INSERM | France | 1 |
Institut Armand Frappier (INRS) | France | 1 |
Institut Clément Ader – Université Fédérale Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées | France | 1 |
Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale | France | 1 |
Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris | France | 1 |
Institut de Planet. et d’Astrophysique de Grenoble IPAG/PLANETO | France | 1 |
Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP) | France | 3 |
Institut Polytechnique des Sciences Avancées (IPSA) | France | 3 |
Institute for Advanced Studies - IEAv | Brazil | 1 |
Institute for Space Astrophysics and Planetology (IAPS) | Italy | 1 |
Institute of Polytechnic Science and Aeronautics (IPSA) | France | 1 |
Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency | Japan | 3 |
Instituto Nacional de Astrofísica, Óptica y Electrónica | Mexico | 1 |
Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE) | 1 | |
Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial (INTA) | Spain | 10 |
Instituto Politécnico Nacional | Mexico | 9 |
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica (ITA) | Brazil | 1 |
International Academy of Astronautics | United States | 1 |
International Institute for astronautical Sciences (IIAS) | United States | 2 |
International Lunar Observatory Association (ILOA) | United States | 1 |
International MoonBase Alliance | United States | 3 |
International Space University | Japan | 29 |
International Space University (ISU) | The Netherlands | 5 |
International Space University(ISU) | France | 2 |
Iowa State University | United States | 2 |
IPGP | France | 6 |
ISAE - Institut Supérieur de l'Aéronautique et de l'Espace | France | 2 |
ISAE-Supaero University of Toulouse | France | 3 |
ISAS, JAXA | China | 1 |
ISAS/JAXA | Japan | 1 |
ispace, Inc | Luxembourg | 1 |
ispace, inc. | Luxembourg | 1 |
ISRO Satellite Centre (ISAC) | India | 2 |
Istanbul Technical University | Türkiye | 3 |
Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia | Italy | 4 |
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) | Italy | 1 |
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) - National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology | Italy | 1 |
ITA-DCTA | Brazil | 1 |
Italian Space Agency (ASI) | Italy | 15 |
JAOPS | Japan | 3 |
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) | Japan | 44 |
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), ISAS | Japan | 3 |
JAXA/ISAS | Japan | 1 |
Jet Propulsion Laboratory - California Institute of Technology | United States | 10 |
JGC Corporation | Japan | 5 |
JL Consulting | France | 2 |
Joanneum Research | Austria | 4 |
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | United States | 1 |
Jordan University of Science & Technology | Jordan | 3 |
JPL | United States | 1 |
Kanagawa Institute of Technology | Japan | 1 |
KARI | Korea, Republic of | 2 |
Karman Project | United Kingdom | 1 |
Kayser Italia Srl | Italy | 4 |
KBR | United States | 2 |
Koc University | Türkiye | 1 |
Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI) | Korea, Republic of | 9 |
Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology (KICT) | Korea, Republic of | 4 |
KOSMICA | Germany | 1 |
KP Labs | Poland | 1 |
KU Leuven – University of Leuven | Belgium | 1 |
Kyoto University | Japan | 5 |
Kyushu Institute of Technology | Japan | 1 |
Kyushu University | Japan | 4 |
Laboratoire d'Astrophysique de Marseille | France | 2 |
Laboratoire de Météorologie Dynamique, IPSL, UPMC-Jussieu | France | 1 |
Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at University of Colorado | United States | 5 |
Laboratory of Spacecraft Environment Interaction Engineering, Kyushu Institute of Technology Japan | Japan | 1 |
Leap Biosystems | Canada | 2 |
Leonardo S.p.A | Italy | 12 |
Leonardo S.p.A. | Italy | 1 |
Leonardo Spa | Italy | 4 |
LESIA | France | 1 |
Lightigo Space | Luxembourg | 1 |
LIQUIFER | Germany | 3 |
LIQUIFER Systems Group | Austria | 7 |
Liquifer Systems Group (LSG) | Austria | 3 |
LIQUIFER Systems Group, Vienna | United Kingdom | 1 |
LIRA, Paris Observatory-PSL | France | 5 |
Los Alamos National Laboratory | United States | 3 |
Louisiana State University | United States | 1 |
Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture University of Sao Paulo | Brazil | 2 |
Luleå University of Technology | Sweden | 2 |
LunarVision | Japan | 2 |
Maana Electric | Luxembourg | 3 |
Manipal Institute of Technology | India | 4 |
Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education | India | 5 |
Mars Academy USA | United States | 1 |
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) | United States | 1 |
Max Planck Institute | Germany | 1 |
Max-Planck Institute for Solar Systems Research, | Germany | 8 |
McGill University | Canada | 1 |
McMaster University | Canada | 1 |
MDA | Canada | 1 |
MDA Space and Robotics Limited (MDSRL) | United Kingdom | 1 |
MDA SPACE INC. | Canada | 2 |
Middle East Technical University | Türkiye | 2 |
Mission Control Space Services Inc. | Canada | 2 |
MIT Art, Design and Technology University | India | 1 |
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation | Japan | 2 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. Japan | Japan | 1 |
Mohammed Bin Rashid Space Centre (MBRSC) | United Arab Emirates | 3 |
Moon Village Association (MVA) | Austria | 1 |
Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics of National Research University Higher School of Economics (MIEM NRU HSE) | Russian Federation | 1 |
MPS | Germany | 1 |
NASA | United States | 1 |
NASA Ames Research Center | United States | 4 |
NASA GSFC | United States | 3 |
NASA Headquarters | United States | 1 |
NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory | United States | 3 |
NASA John F. Kennedy Space Center | United States | 1 |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) | United States | 2 |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Ames Research Center | United States | 2 |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Ames Research Center /Blue Marble Space Institute of Science | United States | 2 |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Goddard Space Flight Center | United States | 7 |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Jet Propulsion Laboratory | United States | 1 |
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)/Ames Research Center | United States | 1 |
National Astronomical Observatories | China | 1 |
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan | Japan | 1 |
National Aviation Academy - Azerbaijan | Azerbaijan | 3 |
National Insitute of Nuclear Physics - INFN | Italy | 2 |
National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA) | Spain | 1 |
National Institute of Technology (Japan) | Japan | 1 |
National Key Laboratory of Aerospace Flight Dynamic, Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | 1 |
National Key Laboratory of Aerospace Flight Dynamics,Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | 2 |
National Key Laboratory of Aerospace Flight Dynamics,Northwestern Polytechnical University,Xi'an | China | 1 |
National Space Science Agency (NSSA) | Bahrain | 13 |
National Technical University of Athens | Greece | 1 |
National University of Science and Technology | Sri Lanka | 1 |
NEUROSPACE GmbH | Germany | 1 |
New York University Abu Dhabi | United Arab Emirates | 11 |
Newcastle University | United Kingdom | 1 |
Nexus Aurora | Sri Lanka | 4 |
Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology | India | 8 |
Nitte Meenakshi Institute Of Technology. | India | 2 |
None | Canada | 1 |
Northern Arizona University | United States | 1 |
Northwest A&F University | China | 1 |
Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | 1 |
Northwestern Polytechnical University;National Key Laboratory of Aerospace Flight Dynamics | China | 8 |
Northwestern Polytechnical University,NPU | China | 1 |
Norwegian University of Science and Technology | Norway | 1 |
Novaspace | United States | 6 |
NUST | Pakistan | 1 |
Obafemi Awolowo University | Nigeria | 1 |
Observatoire de Paris | France | 3 |
Observatoire Midi-Pyrénées | France | 1 |
OHB System | Germany | 2 |
OHB System AG-Bremen | Germany | 2 |
Omspace Rocket and Exploration Pvt Ltd | India | 3 |
Open University | United Kingdom | 1 |
Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO) | Pakistan | 1 |
Physical Research Laboratory | India | 2 |
Planetary Science Institute | United States | 1 |
Planetek Italia | Italy | 6 |
Polimak Space | Türkiye | 2 |
Politecnico di Milano | Italy | 105 |
Politecnico di Torino | Italy | 29 |
Politecnico di Torino | Italy | 4 |
Polytechnic of Turin | Italy | 1 |
Poznan University of Technology | Poland | 1 |
Purdue University | United States | 1 |
Queen's University | Canada | 1 |
R V College of Engineering, Bengaluru | India | 4 |
Ramaiah Institute of Technology | India | 3 |
Rikkyo University | Japan | 1 |
Robot Missions Inc | Canada | 2 |
Roma Tre University | Italy | 2 |
Royal Observatory of Belgium | Belgium | 2 |
RWTH Aachen University | Germany | 3 |
Ryerson University | Canada | 1 |
Sakase Adtech Co., Ltd. | Japan | 1 |
Sakase Adtech, Co., Ltd. | Japan | 3 |
Samara National Research University (Samara University) | Russian Federation | 6 |
Sapienza University of Rome | Italy | 15 |
Scanway sp. z o.o. | Poland | 8 |
School of Aerospace Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology | China | 4 |
School of Astronautics,Northwestern Polytechnical University | China | 1 |
School of Engineering, University of Glasgow | United Kingdom | 5 |
School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada (SPAV) | India | 2 |
Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts | Slovenia | 1 |
SCK-CEN | Belgium | 1 |
Scuola di Ingegneria Aerospaziale "La Sapienza" | Italy | 1 |
Scuola Superiore Meridionale | Italy | 2 |
Shanghai Aerospace Systems Engineering Research Institute | China | 1 |
Shantou University | China | 1 |
Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences and Technology (SAASST) | United Arab Emirates | 31 |
Sharjah Academy for Astronomy, Space Sciences, and Technology (SAASST) | United Arab Emirates | 4 |
SKA South Africa | South Africa | 2 |
Society of Space Education Research and Development (SSERD) | India | 1 |
Southwest Research Institute | United States | 2 |
Space Applications Services NV/SA | Belgium | 1 |
Space Exploration Institute (SPACE-X) | Switzerland | 1 |
Space Exploration Project group, Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) | Canada | 4 |
Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC) | Korea, Republic of | 21 |
Space Renaissance International | Italy | 8 |
Space Research Institute (IKI), RAS | Russian Federation | 2 |
Space Research Institute (IKI), Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) | Russian Federation | 2 |
Space Research Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences | Austria | 1 |
Space Science Endeavors | United States | 3 |
SpaceLand Africa | Mauritius | 1 |
SpaceWorks Engineering, Inc. (SEI) | United States | 1 |
State of Hawaii | United States | 1 |
State Space Corporation ROSCOSMOS | Russian Federation | 4 |
Stellar Exploration Inc | United States | 2 |
Student | India | 2 |
Sultan Qaboos University (SQU) | Oman | 6 |
Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd (SSTL) | United Kingdom | 7 |
Swedish Institute of Space Physics | Sweden | 1 |
Taiwan Space Agency (TASA) | Taipei | 1 |
Taiyuan University of Technology | China | 7 |
Tarbiat Modares University | Iran | 1 |
Team Tumbleweed | The Netherlands | 20 |
Technical University of Berlin | Germany | 2 |
Technical University of Braunschweig | Germany | 3 |
Technical University of Delft | The Netherlands | 1 |
Technical University of Munich | Germany | 8 |
Technische Universität Berlin | Germany | 1 |
Technische Universität Braunschweig | Germany | 2 |
Technische Universität Dresden (DTU) | Germany | 1 |
Technische Universität München | Germany | 2 |
Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization, Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | 3 |
Thales Alenia Space Italia | Italy | 2 |
Thales Alenia Space Italia | Italy | 4 |
Thales Alenia Space Italia (TAS-I) | Italy | 10 |
THALES Services | France | 2 |
The Boeing Company | United States | 6 |
The Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) | Nigeria | 1 |
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory | United States | 2 |
The Spring Institute for Forests on the Moon | France | 1 |
The University of Manchester | United Kingdom | 6 |
TNO | The Netherlands | 1 |
Tohoku University | Japan | 3 |
Tokyo Metropolitan University | Japan | 2 |
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology | Japan | 1 |
TRL Space | Czech Republic | 2 |
Tsinghua University | China | 2 |
TU Berlin | Germany | 1 |
TU Braunschweig | Germany | 2 |
TUBITAK Uzay, Space Technologies Research Institute | Türkiye | 1 |
Tyvak Nanosatellite Systems | United States | 2 |
UAE Space Agency | United Arab Emirates | 5 |
United Arab Emirates Space Agency | United Arab Emirates | 3 |
Univeristy of Winnipeg | Canada | 1 |
Universidad de Oviedo | Spain | 6 |
Universidad de Valladolid | Spain | 1 |
Universidad de Vigo | Spain | 5 |
Universidad La Salle | Mexico | 8 |
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) | Mexico | 4 |
Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (Lima, Perù) | Peru | 14 |
Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Peru | Peru | 2 |
Universidad Nacional de Moquegua | Peru | 1 |
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos | Peru | 1 |
Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla | Mexico | 2 |
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos | Spain | 1 |
Universidade Federal de Viçosa - UFV | Brazil | 1 |
Università degli studi "Gabriele d'Annunzio" | Italy | 1 |
Università degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" | Italy | 3 |
Università degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridionale | Italy | 2 |
Università degli Studi di Padova | Italy | 2 |
Università degli Studi di Palermo | Italy | 2 |
Università degli Studi di Torino | Italy | 4 |
Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA) | France | 1 |
Université de Nantes | France | 2 |
Université Paris Diderot (Paris 7) | France | 1 |
University College London (UCL) | United Kingdom | 3 |
University of Alberta | Canada | 1 |
University of Amsterdam | The Netherlands | 1 |
University of Applied Sciences Aachen (FH Aachen) | Germany | 1 |
University of Arizona | United States | 1 |
University of Bern | Switzerland | 1 |
University of Bremen | Germany | 2 |
University of Bristol | United Kingdom | 3 |
University of California, Los Angeles | United States | 1 |
University of Cambridge | United Kingdom | 1 |
University of Central Florida (UCF) | United States | 4 |
University of Chinese Academy of Sciences | China | 2 |
University of Colorado Boulder | United States | 3 |
University of Denver | United States | 2 |
University of Florida | United States | 2 |
University of Glasgow | United Kingdom | 5 |
University of Houston | United States | 7 |
University of Kent | United Kingdom | 2 |
University of Kiel | Germany | 1 |
University of Latvia | Latvia | 1 |
University of Leicester | United Kingdom | 7 |
University of Leiden | The Netherlands | 1 |
University of Luxembourg | Luxembourg | 6 |
University of Maryland | United States | 1 |
University of Maryland - College Park | United States | 1 |
University of Moratuwa | Sri Lanka | 2 |
University of Münster and University of Twente | Germany | 1 |
University of Naples "Federico II" | Italy | 17 |
University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis, CNRS, Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur | France | 3 |
University of Oslo | Norway | 6 |
University of Oxford | United Kingdom | 6 |
University of Padova - DII/CISAS | Italy | 4 |
University of Padova, CISAS – “G. Colombo” Center of Studies and Activities for Space, | Italy | 1 |
University of Padova, DII / CISAS – “G. Colombo” | Italy | 2 |
University of Padua | Italy | 8 |
University of Petroleum and Energy Studies | India | 23 |
University of Pisa | Italy | 1 |
University of Rome “La Sapienza” | Italy | 5 |
University of Sao Paulo | Brazil | 2 |
University of Sherbrooke | Canada | 1 |
University of Southern California | United States | 1 |
University of Strathclyde | United Kingdom | 2 |
University of Tartu | Estonia | 2 |
University of Tehran | Iran | 2 |
University of Tokyo | Japan | 6 |
University of Torino | Italy | 1 |
University of Toronto | Canada | 2 |
University of Toronto Aerospace Team (UTAT) | Canada | 6 |
University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies | Canada | 1 |
University of Turin | Italy | 6 |
University of Turkish Aeronautical Association | Türkiye | 9 |
University of Valladolid | Spain | 1 |
University of Vienna | Austria | 1 |
University of Vigo | Spain | 6 |
University of Waterloo | Canada | 2 |
University of Western Ontario (UWO) | Canada | 2 |
Unmanned Exploration Laboratory (UEL) | Korea, Republic of | 3 |
Vellore Institute of Technology | India | 1 |
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University | Lithuania | 1 |
VIT Bhopal University | India | 1 |
VRVis Forschungs-GmbH | Austria | 3 |
Wakayama University | Japan | 1 |
Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) | Poland | 1 |
Western University | Canada | 2 |
Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat | Germany | 1 |
Worcester Polytechnic Institute | United States | 2 |
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology | Poland | 10 |
Xtraordinary Innovative Space Partnerships, Inc. | United States | 1 |
York University | Canada | 6 |
[unlisted] | Korea, Republic of | 63 |