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  • session 9


    Smart Materials and Adaptive Structures & Specialized Technologies, Including Nanotechnology




    The focus of the session will be on application of smart materials to spacecraft and launch vehicle systems, novel sensor and actuator concepts and new concepts for multi-functional and intelligent structural systems. Also included in the session will be new control methods for vibration suppression and shape control using adaptive structures as well as comparisons of predicted performance with data from ground and in-orbit testing. Specialized material and structures technologies are explored in a large variety of space applications both to enable advanced exploration, and science/observation mission scenarios to perform test verifications relying on utmost miniaturization of devices and highest capabilities in structural, thermal, electrical, electromechanical/ optical performances offered by the progress in nanotechnology. Examples are the exceptional performances at nano-scale in strength, electrical, thermal conduction of Carbon nanotubes which are experiencing first applications at macro-scale such as nano-composite structures, high efficiency energy storage wheels, MEMS and MOEMS devices. Molecular nanotechnology and advances in manipulation at nano-scale offer the road to molecular machines, ultracompact sensors for science applications and mass storage devices. The Session encourages presentations of specialized technologies, in particular of nanomaterial related techniques and their application in devices offering unprecedented performances for space applications.

    IPC members
    • Co-Chair: Dr. Behnam Ashrafi, Canadian Aeronautics & Space Institute (CASI), Canada;

    • Co-Chair: Mr. Aashish Agrawal, Space Applications Centre (ISRO), India;

    • Rapporteur: Prof. Kanjuro Makihara, Tohoku University, Japan;